✓| CHAPTER 004

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   CHAPTER 004 | Alpha's Fake Luna

If you are sensitive to this kind of      topic. I suggest you don't read this chapter. But if you want to, well then continue reading. Just prepare some tissues along the way.

"She's Jason's GIRLFRIEND . . ."

What the actual fuck?

I look at Keith shocked. "What?" I asked as the Omega stares at me and nods her head confirming what she have just said.

I blink as I look back at Liliana who was still clinging onto Jason's arm. Now that I notice it, he never once removed her hold from his arm nor did he even look at me once. He was just standing there acting like I never even existed in the first place.

Did he forget me?

Did he forget I was his mate now?

Or did he just act like I was his mate so he can reject me later on?

Those thoughts were spiralling inside my mind. I blink back the tears as I step back and wipes my eyes to get rid of any eye water. I see Keith stares at me concerned.

I can hear her mouthing words but I can't register anything she said as my ears were ringing and my mind was stuck somewhere else.

I turned around and run out the house as I head to the back door of the kitchen. I was lucky Maverick showed me this side of the kitchen or I would have been lost my way out. I slammed the door open and stormed my way out as I head to the pack borders before running inside the forest.

The tears began to fall on my eyes. The feeling of betrayal running surge through my brain as I felt my wolf slipping before me. I run and run and continued running without a proper direction on my head. I heard the scrunching of leaves and the pitter patter of many footsteps running inside the forest.

My eyes widened. I heard it. It was unmistakably voices. "Find her! Find my mate!" Jason screamed, the panic clear on his voice. I shook my head as I zigzag my way through the forest.

There was no way I can lost his pack of warriors. They were great at sensing smells. It was just their specialty as werewolves. The thought drive me panic as I began to run fast.

Suddenly I trip on a rock and slammed on the ground face first. My knees grazing the rock making me wince in pain. I open my eyes as I clenched my fist on the ground and tried to get up and continue running but my knees gave out as I fall back down crying helplessly.

The voices were getting nearer and I sniffle as I tried to slow down my sobs but it was futile the moment I felt him. His intoxicating scent that drives me insane, now scared me. I heard his pitter patter of footsteps and before I know it, he was kneeling down right beside me.

"Crizella!" Jason cried out as he turn me around and stares at me with worry on his gaze. He carefully puts his hands underneath my knee caps and the other one on my back as he pulls me up, carrying me bridal style.

"Let me go! Let me go!" I screamed hitting his chest as I sob uncontrollably while squirming on his hold. Jason's hold on my body tightens and he clicks his tongue as he began to marched forward.

"Why did you leave?" He asked voice harsh and cold making me froze. I looked up and stares at Jason wide eyed. "I said let me go!!" I screamed hitting his chest. Jason merely shook his head and continued walking annoying me even further.

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