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"yes it's finally the weekend" Jake said as he he stretched after sitting in a chair for around 8 hours,

"hey Jake since its the weekend did you want to come with me and heeseung to the club, you could bring hoon if you want" jay asked as he stood up besides Jake.

"sure but just saying I have never been to a club before" Jake stated

"we know Jake, gosh you really are the christian boy" jay said

"whatever, see you later"

"see ya"


Jake was about to enter the apartment building when he noticed sunghoons car wasn't parked where it usually is

"he probably just parked it somewhere else" thought Jake since sunghoon really went. out besides. from going o hang out with his friends or to go to the ice rink but today the rink was closed and all their friends had already got plans.

"hoon I'm home" Jake announced as he took off his shoes, "hoon?" Jake said again as no one responded the first time, Jake looked around the house trying to find sunghoon but no one was home

"that's weird where could of he gone" Jake question but it really didn't bother. him that much so he just went to take a shower and get ready to go to the bar with jay and heeseung expecting sunghoon to back by then.

once Jake finished getting ready and realised sunghoon was still not home he started getting worried but again sunghoon is a grown man so he just texted sunghoon



ill be home around 8 so don't wait up




love you


love you too



where are you hoon?

when are you coming home?

im going to the bar with jay and heeseung if you want to come

along just drive there.


Jake turned off all the lights and left the apartment and headed to the bar where he meet up. with the two older boys

"hey hyung" Jake greeted

"where's sunghoon?" heeseung asked

"I have no clue he wasn't at home" Jake answered while he ordered a drink

"thats weird he's mostly at home" jay thought out loud

"its fine he's a grown man he can take care of himself and besides he's going to need to get home eat or he'll starve
"here's your drink sir" the waitress said

"thank you-" Jake said as he saw something "hey guys is it just my eyes are playing tricks on me but is that sunghoon over there" Jake asked. the two older boys looked to the direction Jake was pointing two surprised to see their younger friend on a table filled with half naked woman one of them even kissed him, tears started to fall from Jake's eyes, the two hyungs hugged Jake and comforted him, Jake tried sucking up tears as he stood up "i'm going to head out first I'll pay you back later for my drink" Jake said as he put on his jacket tears still streaming from his eyes

jay and heeseung was worried for Jake "do you want a ride home?" offered heeseung but Jake denied and left, the two looked back over a sunghoons table

"it's not like sunghoon to do thins he's probably the most loyal person I know" jay questioned

"he's defiantly drunk but either way why would he just let those girls get allover him like that" heeseung also questioned


Jake entered the apartment he tossed his jacket and flung his shoes off as he ran into their bedroom where he laid their and cried his eyes out, he tried to think of other things to get his mind off of sunghoon but the sent of his clothed filled the room and made Jake cry even more, Jake sat up and decided to pack a small bag and ask one of his friends if he could crash at their place for a few days and that's exactly what he did. Jake took out his phone from his pocket and started calling jay

"Jake are you ok!" jay said worryingly

"I'm fine can I just crash at your place for a while" Jake said with his voice that kept on cracking

"yeah I'm ok with that jungwon should be home right now you can just go now and i'll be home in a bit" jay agreed so that's where Jake headed


'knock, knock'

"Jake!" jungwon said "jay told me what happened come in" jungwon said as he whipped jakes tears with the sleeve of his jumper, Jake plopped on their couch as jungwon brought him a cup of warm water "tell me everything, let it all out" jungwon said as he gave Jake a soft blanket

"how could he do this to me you know like we where so perfect for each other, we were like the golden retriever and black cat, he. always told me he loved me and now I find. him kissing some random girl that he just meet this is just so ugh!" tears streamed down jakes face "its like he got bored of me, I did everything for him I helped him find his true worth his passion and love for ice skating again I helped him up when he was down I just do get it" Jake rambled "maybe we're just not meant to be after all"

'buzz, buzz" Jake looked at his phone and saw sunghoons name

"I'll give you some space" jungwon said as he pulled jay who just entered the house upstairs

"hello" Jake siad with the most monotoned voice "WhEre ar-are YoU" sunghoon said drunkly

"why would you care" Jake said sharply "because I love youuu~~~" Jake pulled the phone the phone away from his ear and mumbled "I really wish you were sober saying that"

"get home safe" Jake said trying to not cry and hung off the phone, Jake curled up into a ball and just started sobbing

jungwon was about to come down from the stairs to comfort Jake but was stopped by jay "give him some space and time to himself" jungwon nodded and both went back to their room


heeseung walked out of the club and unlocked his car when he saw sunghoon sitting on the the ground still drunk

"ugh" heeseung whined as he went to help his even though he made a huge mistake sunghoon was still his friend and he couldn't leave him there to freeze.


hi guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter it is one of the longer one, I also wanted to say this series is only going to be a short one since its just a part 2 and also its nearly Christmas and I don't really want to post during the holidays so yeah.


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