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Ivory's POV...

"Good morning, class. Today, we have a new student. She's an American, please treat her kindly. Come in and introduce yourself," Mrs. Kim said. I walked in and faced the class. It was mainly boys, maybe twenty, and about eight or nine girls, not including me. Overall, it was a fairly big group of students.

Upon facing the rest of my fellow classmates, I bowed deeply before introducing myself.

"Annyeonghaseyo, Ivory imnida," I said as I stood from the bow.

"Ivory, please take a seat next to Jungkook in the back. Jungkook, please raise your hand," I saw a hand fly into the sky and walked towards it. Jungkook was pretty cute and gave me a friendly smile as I sat next to him. He reminded me of a bunny with his big, dark eyes and his fairly big teeth that showed cutely when he smiled.

"Hi, I'm Jungkook," he smiled and gave me his hand to shake.

"I'm Ivory," I introduced as class started. Jungkook informed me on what they had learned before I came to the school. It wasn't that hard and this was the honors or higher level class in Starlight Academy. Then again, this was also English. My 'native' tongue.

"This school is focused mainly on music and dance seeing as students who attend this school are looking to go into the entertainment business. Oh and you should probably stay away from Ilhoon, Taehyung, Suga, and Zelo. They're not the greatest people, in a way. They aren't terrible but they aren't the best either," Jungkook explained as he pointed to the four empty seats and the people he was talking about, "They often skip class yet they don't get kicked out."

"That's a load of bull. How come they aren't kicked out if they aren't even attending class?" My gaze lingered on the four empty seats for a few seconds before I looked back to my notebook.

"No one knows. I hang out with Suga, J-Hope, V or Taehyung, Rap Monster, Jimin, and Jin. Ilhoon hangs out with Sungjae, Minhyuk, Eunkwang, Changsub, Peniel, and Hyunsik. Zelo hangs out with Yongguk, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, and Himchan. None of us know how any of them got to stay in this school really. Oooh! What's your schedule?" I chuckled lightly at how his voiced changed from confused to excited really quick.

"Um, English, dance, vocals, music composition, math, and science," I answered. His eyes lit up and another smile was on his face. This kid is too adorable. I like him, he's fun to be around.

"We have all the same classes. I thought maybe you wouldn't have dance, vocals, or music composition. These," he gestured to the rest of the class with his pencil as he continued to speak, "will be your classmates for the rest of this school year," I smiled until the door was opened and four kids walked in, "Ilhoon, Zelo, V, and Suga. That's them."

"Well, it's nice to see you decided to join us today," Mrs. Kim said with a lifeless and disappointed tone, "Take your seats."

"Ilhoon and V sit next to you. Zelo and Suga are on the other side of the room," Jungkook whispered. I nodded my head slowly as two of the school rebels make their ways towards me and Jungkook. They sat down and the one with a rectangular yet very cute smile threw his arm on the back of my seat but he was careful to not touch me.

"Jungkook! Who is this beautiful girl? I'm V, nice to meet you," I interrupted Jungkook before he even answered and faced V with a friendly smile.

"Hi, I'm Ivory. It's nice to meet you too, V-oppa. Is it alright if I call you that?" I smirked internally at his flustered reaction.

"It's fine to call us anything. I'm Ilhoon," I gave him a smile as well before turning back to the board. I could hear them whispering about me

"Nice to meet you, Ilhoon-oppa," I said over my shoulder with another smile.

"She's beautiful, man."

"Bet you I'll get with her first."

"Doubt it. She won't go for a guy like you."

"I won't go for a guy who sees a woman as a prize unless he actually cherishes her. In other words, I won't go for either of you," I said over my shoulder as I continued to write. My words came out ruder and louder than I meant them to. It went silent and I could feel eyes from more than one direction on me.

"She just talked back to them," a girl said in the dead silence.

"Ivory," Jungkook warned with a gentle hand on my wrist.

"So what? Seems like they needed someone to talk back to them. And from the sounds and looks of it, they can't exactly take what they have coming for them," I turned to V and Ilhoon who were staring at me with wide eyes, "I don't appreciate be talked about like I'm property and a worthless bet. When you two get your priorities together, then come talk to me," the bell rung just then and I grabbed my stuff and walked out of class to dance. I had to change first. I walked to the bathroom so I could change quickly.

I changed into black basketball shorts and a red muscle tank. I quickly put my hair up and went to class after putting my stuff in my locker. I walked in and saw nothing but an empty room. I took out my phone and saw a plug and started to play my music. First song was to Lucifer by SHINee.

I started dancing, not noticing the teacher and other students walk in in the middle of the dance. When the song ended, I heard clapping and spun around to see Mr. Bang by the door with the other students. I rush to grab my phone and stopped the music before bowing and introducing myself.

"Ivory, how long have you danced?"

"All my life. My father was a dancer and my mother was choreographer so dancing runs in my blood," I explained as I sat down with the rest of the class.

"Well, that's good. Today we are learning how to dance main points in some of the students' songs. First up is B.A.P. teaching us the dance in..."

"Warrior, sir," Himchan answered as he along with Yongguk, Zelo, Youngjae, Daehyun, and Jongup.

They all started dancing and teaching the choreography. It was a challenge to get timing wise but the moves were somewhat easy.

"Great job, class. I'll see you all tomorrow," I walked to my locker to grab my clothes and change before running off to class.

"Good morning, class," I walked in right as the bell rang and repeated my name and the bow before taking a seat next to Jungkook.

"You made it," his smile was adorable. Then again, just about everything he did was adorable.

"Barely," I whispered back.

"Today, we are going to see how good your vocals are. Ivory, you will go last since you're new," Mr. Lee said. I nodded and listened as people sang one by one around the room. They had some pretty amazing vocals.

"Ivory," Mr. Lee said. I could see some people, mainly two girls who stood close together, smirking and whispering amongst themselves like I was going to sound like a cat thrown into a garbage disposal. I wasn't that terrible.

I'll Change For You (Ilhoon BtoB) [UNDER HEAVY REVISON]Where stories live. Discover now