18- Japan

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"Ughh I'm so tired, I don't want to be here" I huff out, not even five minutes after landing.

"Yeah me too" Charles sighs, taking my hand into his, starting to make his way out of the airport.

"The Jetlag will be so bad" I sigh and continue complaining until we're in the car.

"Will you stop complaining if you get to be in charge of the music?" He smiles over at me in the passenger seat.

"Why can't I drive?" I ask him after realizing where I'm sitting.

"You're too tired" he simply states but it doesn't sound convincing.

"Yeah sure, alright I want your hoodie, a kiss, some McDonalds on our way to the hotel and to be in charge of the music than I'll stop complaining" I sigh, crossing my arms in front of my chest.

Charles starts to laugh but nevertheless hooks his fingers beneath his hoodies and pulls it over his head, his shirt slightly riding up while doing so. I'd lie if I said I didn't like the view I mean how could I not. My eyes found their way down from his face to his toned abs and the v-line going down to his pants.

"Eyes up here love" I feel my cheeks heat up after being caught by checking him out.

"Whatever" I mutter quietly, leaning over to take the hoodie and put it over my head.
"What?" I ask after I realized that it was now Charles who was staring at me with love struck eyes.

"Gosh you have no idea how it feels to see you in my hoodie like that" he whispers, moving his hand over the middle console to gently grab my face and pull it over to his.

His lips hover above mine for a second and I can feel his breath on them. I close my eyes, leaning a bit further into his direction and closing the little gap between us. We continue kissing in the car like that for a while until Charles suddenly moves away a bit.
"As much as I love that, I would really like to go back to the hotel and I don't know how much longer I can restrain myself if we keep making out like that"

I smirk, leaning back in my seat and connecting my phone to the car play. Charles starts to drive away, not saying anything else but after about two songs I can feel his hand on my thigh. I smile, feeling myself blush once again and I quickly look out of the window so he can't see it.

However once I turn back there's a smirk on his face that wasn't there before, indicating me that he already noticed. I place my hand on top of his, starting to draw little circles onto the back of his hand, while typing with Millane. After about half an hour the car suddenly comes to an halt. I've fallen asleep sometime during the ride and slowly open my eyes, realizing we're at a parking spot.

"You can wait here, I'll get us something to eat, do you want anything specific?" I shake my head 'no' and close my eyes again. The warmth of Charles hand on my thigh suddenly vanishes and a door opens and closes again. He kept it there all the time all tough I was asleep? My heart starts to beat a bit faster at the thought of that.
Charles returns some minutes later and I can hear a clicking sound before opening my eyes and realizing Charles took a picture of me sleeping.

I raise an eyebrow at him and he just shrugs, throwing a blanket from the back of the car into my direction and handing me my food.
"I told you you look cute wearing my hoodie, it's gonna be my new lock screen" he gets in the car again and I can see him change his lock screen from a picture of him on the podium with Pierre to the picture he just took of me.

"You're cute" I tell him, cuddling up into the blanket and starting to eat my fries.

"Yeah yeah whatever" he starts to drive again. "Can I have some?"

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