9. Losing a tail

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3rd Person POV.
Location: New York City USA

Right now in one of the largest cities in the world New York City in a row house that was being remodeled a place where the Infinity Hero Supremacy otherwise known as Y/n L/n had managed to turn the row house into a maze of pain, torture, and potential death on the ground floor of the row house Mercy had managed to survive the previous trap that she unfortunately triggered on herself right now she was looking in a mirror trying to make sure that she was still physically intact and had all her body parts right behind her was her boss Cinder Fall who was berating her minion for her stupidity.

Cinder: Mercy you really are an idiot!!!

Mercy: shut up

Standing by the staircase on the second floor Y/n L/n was with Emerald and he was about to alert the two idiots to his location.

Y/n: hey ding dongs I'm up here why don't you try to come get me~

Realizing that their target was just by the staircase the two of them ran out of the bathroom on the ground floor and they immediately made their way towards staircase they managed to avoid the hole in the floor right in front of the staircase and they started running up the stairs but unfortunately for them it was not going to be as simple as that.

Y/n L/n picked up a paint can which was tied to the banister and he threw it down.

Cinder: HEADS UP!!!!

Cinder managed to duck out of the way to avoid getting nailed in the face by a paint can but Mercy was not so lucky she got nailed in the face sending her flying down the staircase through the hole in the floor and back down to the basement.

Cinder: oh that's it you are so going to get it now!!!

On the second floor Emerald picked up the other paint can she then threw it down Cinder turned back around just in time to see the paint can coming towards her but she didn't have enough time to react she got nailed in the face by the paint can sending her flying down the staircase through the hole in the floor and down next to Mercy.

Cinder: okay now I am beyond livid!

Mercy: join the club we got jackets!

On the second floor both Emerald and Y/n L/n were celebrating what they had just done laughing while the two of them were making their way up to the third floor.

Emerald: and they say catharsis is bad for your health.

Y/n: maybe but who cares might as well live in the moment while ya can~

The two of them made their way to the third floor where the next trap was set and ready to go.

Cinder: that's it no more playing around!!!

Both Mercy and Cinder got back up Mercy using her cybernetic legs and Cinder using her stolen fall Maiden powers the two of them managed to jump out of the basement through the hole and back up onto the ground floor once the two of them are back on the ground floor they ran up the stairs to the second floor they began searching for their target not finding anything they immediately decided to search the third floor they walked over to the stairwell where they could access the third floor Cinder grabbed the door knob gave it a Twist and pulled as hard as she could unbeknownst to her she had just triggered another trap when she pulled the doorknob out of its place it was attached to a string on the third floor Y/n L/n and Emerald watched as large tool chest on wheels started making its way down the stairs.

Y/n: those two never learn do they?

Emerald: not really no~

The two of them watched as the tool chest started rolling down the stairs making a loud racket on the other side of the door at the bottom of the stairwell Cinder and Mercy could hear the loud racket from the other side of the door.

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