11:sugar and salt

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Hey it's @992610115t

So Yee Haven_Ashes  

I'm continuing the story in this account i love you all and haven this is for you bitch


Pax pov:

I woke up on the couch cuddled up on rems lap while he was watching tv

He sees me and smiles

Remington:morning princess

Pax:morning love

Remington: I was gonna wake you up when Sebastian left but you looked too adorable,he's gonna be in meetings all days so just us

Pax:that's fine with me, I have to get dressed in a little tho, I have to go shopping and then go to the vape shop down town

Remington: you vape ?

Pax:yah I do and I smoke weed too but only around haven bc I act like a idiot when I do

Remington:don't call yourself an idiot please

Pax:I won't-

I got a call from haven and I answered it

Pax:hey bitch what's up

I get up and go to the kitchen and sit on the counter

Haven: it's boring without you here, Emerson is at meetings with seb and I'm drained, wait girl you have marks on you're neck

Pax: yah seb and rem bit me last night it was so weird in a good way tho

Haven: we'll at least your not dead, but your a good girl pax don't let these hot vampire men get you in a chokehold

Pax: I'm not going too, now come over here and give me hugs, it's low key boring without you

Haven: good I had nothing else to do anyways, see you in 30 bitch

Pax:see you then lovely

I hang up and go to take a shower and get dressed in sweats and a oversized sweatshirt

I walk out and sit next to Remington and we talk for about 5 minutes then he gets a call

Remington: you said I didn't have to- yk what I'm coming, I'll be there in 10

He hangs up and kisses my hand

Remington: I'm so sorry love but I have to go to some bull shit meetings but hey haven will be here soon so your not gonna be alone but I have to go, I love you princess

He kisses my forehead and I smile and say bye and he leaves

About 10 minutes later haven walks in and I get up to hug him.

Pax: god I missed you

Haven:I missed you too oh and I knew you need new nic so I did you a big favor

He pulls out a new puff bar and hands it to me

Pax:thank you Omg

We sit down on the couch and talk for a bit

I started to daze off a bit and wasn't smiling much

Haven: yo pax you good ?

Pax:if I'm honest I don't know

I leaned on his shoulder

Haven: I know how hard it is for you to be happy and I'm not gonna sit here and force you to be but I'll always be here trying to make you happy

Pax; I honestly don't know but thanks for being here for me

Haven:I'm always gonna be here, you want ur stuffed animal I brought you one

I shot up

Pax: yes please

He hands it to me and I hold it

Pax:I'm happy now

Haven:I know you are I'm always gonna look after you


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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