chapter 39 • cherry gum

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ace and spade were out shopping for something. cherry hadn't listened when they told her. her father was out doing whatever, which meant she was completely alone at home.

a knock on the door interrupted the tv show playing.

cherry shoved her blanket off of herself; she wasn't expecting anybody.

the red-head trudged over to the front door, shoving it open. finney was standing right there.

"hi." finney greeted, and held up a poster.

said poster read:

'will you go to the dance with me?'

"yes!" cherry grinned.

finney moved the poster out of the way, and kissed his girlfriend.

cherry pulled away after a second, taking the poster from him, and then a hello kitty plush.

"cherry, you know you're in the corny relationship you used to make fun of, right?" vance pointed out, watching her hold the poster.

"shut the fuck up. don't ruin this moment." gwen silenced him.

𝐂𝐇𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐘 𝐆𝐔𝐌, finney blakeWhere stories live. Discover now