Chapter 2 - Escaping the Ruins

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A/N Hey guys! How are you all? Hopefully I can write this chapter faster and it won't take about a week like the first chapter did 😅
Art above by me

Frisk and Flowey marched on, Frisk was wondering what the fuck the whole podcast was about, or how they even knew about alpha bros. He didn't really wanna know. Frisk saw a strange little bake sale, however it seemed, destroyed. The webs were cut, and the spiders were in distress. Flowey held out a few coins he had from defeating Blookz, and a few he had beforehand. Flowey motioned for Frisk to move him down, so Frisk sat down near the spiders, making sure not to step on any of them. Flowey handed them 128g all together. In return he gained 8 donuts, and 4 ciders. Flowey waved to the spiders as Frisk stood up, eating one of the donuts. Frisk smiled, letting out an audible 'mmm'. It tasted sweet, and had a good crunch from what he imagined to be the sprinkles. Frisk smiled at the spiders
"Thank you so much! It's very good!" The spiders seemed happier, and went back to trying to fix their broken, destroyed bake sale. Frisk and Flowey moved on, all Frisk could think of was what happened to their poor, sweet, quaint bake sale. Frisk continued on forward, and noticed something weird, more dust. Around the dust was more g. 3 piles of dust were seen altogether. Strangely, there was ash scattered around the air as well. Frisk coughed on it. Flowey seemed so...distressed, and sad, strangely mournful too. Flowey left Frisks arm and stood in front of the dust piles, Flowey whispered something silently
"What's with all of the dust around here...?" Frisk questioned, causing Flowey to look back at him sad.
"It's the remains of monsters, someone killed them...and I know who" Flowey used his leaf to pick some ash out of the dust. Frisk figured out exactly who it was, since only one of the monsters he had seen down here had used fire
"Toriel...right?" Flowey nodded. Frisk looked to the side sadly, then pulled out a notebook out of his bag, and proceeded to write something down. He then ripped a page out and placed it in front of the dust piles
'Rest in peace, may you find happiness on the other side'
Frisk and Flowey looked at each other smiling, as Flowey got back on his arm, and moved along. After some weird switch puzzles and finding a torn red ribbon Frisk used as a bowtie, and a couple more fights, they made it to a hallway leading two ways. Frisk went forward first. After walking through the door, they saw an entire view of the ruins. To the side, they found a toy knife. Frisk equipped it, feeling like he would need it later. Frisk walked back to the other way he didn't go before, thinking it could help him get out. When he walked into the other hallway, he saw a giant tree, with dust around it in patches. The dust was on the floor all over too. Frisk walked into the room avoiding the dust patches the best he could, hoping he could find a place that wasn't as dusty and marked with massacre as this one was.
"Frisk, we're almost out of the ruins, but...I think..."
"You think what?" Flowey looked away in fear
"Frisk...whatever happens, you listen to me, alright?" Frisk nodded, but in the corner of his eye, he noticed something glowing. Out of curiosity, he walked towards it. Strangely, it was a glowing, yellow star. Frisk got closer, when he saw something flash before his eyes

"Awww don't look so afraid €#@£@, my parents will love you!" A strange goat boy, with the resemblance of Toriel said, Frisks pov looked down
"What if they hate me...?" Frisk could only see what was out of the person's eyesight.
"Haha! That'll never happen €#@£@! My parents are some of the kindest people you'll meet down here! Plus, they've been wanting change for so long, and you're one of the key pieces in showing the monsters we have hope!" The goat boy said hugging whoever was there before knocking on the door
"Y-you're right, alright As..." the person turned to the door to see...Toriel

Frisk snapped out of whatever had just happened, after getting shook by vines
"Really Flowey?" Frisk looked annoyed as Flowey retracted the vines
"YOU WEREN'T FUCKING RESPONDED DUMBASS! YOU COULD HAVE GONE UNCONSCIOUS OR...OR SOMETHING!" Flowey yelled while opening the house's door. Frisk rolled his eyes, walking into the house, it seemed quaint and quiet, but oddly horrifying. Flowey pointed to a room to the right
"Over there...we can grab some things to help out..." Frisk walked into the room to find it was a kids room, Flowey appeared nostalgic, and sneakily grabbed a box and a shoe. He stuck the shoe in the main part of the backpack and hid the box in a front pocket on the bag. He figured that Frisk wouldn't really look in that part for anything since it was really empty...except for a card in an open envelope with...water stains on it? Flowey wasn't interested at all in it, and honestly wasn't gonna learn about it. Flowey noticed Frisk was looking at himself in a mirror found in the room. Frisk seemed...upset at how he looked. Flowey leaned his head to the side in confusion. Frisk moved away from the mirror, grabbing a sweater jacket and sitting on a chair. Flowey got off of his shoulder and replanted himself in the ground. Frisk put the sweater jacket on, happy at how surprisingly well it fit him. He enjoyed the design too! It was comfy and cozy too, which made Frisk want to feel nothing but that texture. Everything felt perfect, but then he heard something call out
"ALRIGHT! You had your peace for long enough, I believe that it's time for me to finally climb back up the ranks! Show yourself little girl, and I might give you a peaceful death!" Toriel cried out. Frisk moved back in fear while also seeming to cringe at the 'little girl' part, Flowey looked at Frisk trying to think of something, and came up with a plan
"Alright Frisk! We are going to run out, and after I hit her with some attacks, you dart downstairs, ok?" Frisk nodded fastly and ran out letting Flowey use his vines to attach to his back. Frisk came face to face with Toriel once more, her body seemed to be covered in so much dust, it made Frisk wonder how many monsters Toriel had taken the lives of after she left him
"Good, now it's time for me to finally become a queen again! Just stand still!" Toriel's hand prepared a fireball to burn Frisk, when tons of little white things hit her, causing her to scream in pain
"NOW! RUN FRISK!" Frisk ran after Flowey yelled that right down those stairs, into the long, purple hallways, leading down to the exit of the ruins. Flowey opened the door, getting off Frisks back.
"Wait in that room, I'll get Toriel to either run away, or convince her to leave" Frisk didn't know how to react
"What'll happen to you?!" Flowey looked away
"I'll be fine, now GO!" Frisk ran into the other room hearing the door slam behind him. Frisk moved into the wall nervously falling to the floor, placing his bag next to himself and curling up into a ball, tears running down his face in nervousness of what would happen next. After about 5 minutes of quiet, Flowey popped out of the ground in front of Frisk, trying to comfort him
"Hey, I'm here now, we're safe for now...hopefully..." Frisk popped his head out of his knees and smiled towards Flowey, responded with using his leaf to wipe away any tears on Frisk's face
"Hey Frisk, do you mind if I a pretty personal question?" Frisk nodded confused
"Ok so after Toriel ditched you in the ruins, I saw you take out a skirt from your bag to rip it and cover up a wound, and I also heard you say 'I'm not that girl anymore', then a bit ago, when Toriel called you a girl, you seemed to somewhat cringe at that sentiment, do you mind me asking why that was?" Frisk looked to the side anxiously, Flowey got nervous too
"Ohh no I said something wrong didn't I? I'm so, so sorry!" Flowey quickly apologized to Frisk
"It's fine, but I guess that this was gonna come out eventually...but um...god how do I say this? Well...ever since I was um...young I always felt so...different from the girls, like I didn't feel like I was one of them. I tried dressing in different styles the girls were wearing to try and find a type I liked, but none of them felt, then I snuck some clothes from my older brother and I tried them on. I felt so...happy! And the reason is because...I'm...I'm trans, Flowey and almost everyone knows, and my family...aren't very happy about that and I know that and after...something I um don't want to talk about it, I ran off here, and you know the rest" Frisk seemed scared of how Flowey would react, but Flowey to Frisk's surprise, didn't mind at all
"Kind of suspected that was part of it somehow, but you don't have to be afraid of that fact in front of me, I'm perfectly fine with that!" Frisk teared up a bit smiling
"Thank you Flo-"
"Asriel, call me Asriel, Flowey's like alias like, Thor or Doctor Strange" Frisk laughed
"Those are their actual names Asriel" Asriel rolled his eyes
"You get my point! Now let's get ready to move on, the quicker we move, the quicker we can get you out" Frisk smiled at Asriel before accidentally knocking over his backpack which revealed the shoe Asriel put in
"Oh yeah I put that in, I figured that I could get put in that so it could be easier for both later on, just wait for me to ask me to be in the shoe, ok?" Frisk smiled, putting it back in the bag and zipping it up
"Let's go!" Frisk said then ran out of the ruins as Asriel went into the ground, while Frisk was stepping out into the cold, snowy land. Frisk suddenly became glad he grabbed that sweater jacket back from the room as he zipped it up walking forward as he shivered
"You're cold, I can tell" Frisk looked to the sidelines at Asriel
"No shit Sherlock! I wasn't expecting it to be this cold!" Asriel laughed at Frisk. Frisk walked over a branch, then heard it break after walking 5 steps ahead, he turned around and saw it easily snapped in half. Frisk felt chills down his spine as he walked forward a bit faster. He heard a laugh from behind him, but couldn't find anyone who could've laughed behind him. Frisk ran for his life, stopping at a wall, hearing slow footsteps behind him. He felt heavy breaths behind his head from the shadowy figure, Asriel appeared to the side of Frisk trying to figure out what to do about it
"Human, don't you to greet a new pal...? Turn around, and shake my hand..." Frisk turned around, reaching for the shadowy strange figure's hand, taking it as he heard a...fart? The figure laughed as its shadowy appearance moved away, revealing a skeleton monster. It wore a blue Kirby shirt and a dark purple jacket, one of its sockets was cracked, with a dim blue light coming out of it. He seemed to be about 5'9 to Frisk and strangely had a big smile across his face. For pants he wore ripped black sweatpants
"ah, the old whoopie cushion in the hand trick! works every time!" Frisk looked annoyed at the skeleton but the skeleton didn't mind
"why so down, mad at me? it was just a funny prank dude, anyways i'm sans, sans the skeleton. you're a human, right?" Frisk nodded confused at Sans
"cool cool, anyways i made some promise to like kill any humans that passed through here...buuuut they don't call me 'sans the promise breaker' for nothing!" Sans chuckled, causing Frisk to laugh too
"but...they do call my brother 'papyrus the brutal' for a reason i suppose...don't worry i'll make sure he doesn't hurt you at all!" Sans held a thumbs up when randomly, Frisk's soul appeared, but this time it was strangely blue, Frisk flew backwards through the gates
"FRISK!" Asriel yelled, Sans and Asriel both saw who caused Frisk to fly away, it was a tall, slender skeleton. He had a dark red scarf that was torn up, his armor was an extremely dark black, but also shiny, one could think it was obsidian. He wore blue gloves, and had big dark red boots on, with pieces of armor all over it
"So Sans...when were you going to inform me you found a human?" The skeleton looked angered at Sans
"happy birthday paps...?"
Word count- 2228

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