Chapter 10 | Overwhelmed

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She was alone in her home

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She was alone in her home.

Her pale knees sat atop the cold carpet laid out in her room. 

Silky white hair framed her face and back, long tips trailing onto the floor. Her tiny white fingers wafted through the cotton of the rug below her. The lone cabin, devoid of any life but her own, wrapped her in protective arms to keep the outside away. 

The lullaby of the wind purring against the walls soothed her aching heart.

Her blank face peered at a painting resting on the wall of her resting place. 

A lone fish, grey scales dirtied with black, struggled against a strong current alone. Shadows of other fish were dotted around this lone fish, but the focus was on it. Her resting face stared with bleak winter eyes.

So much had happened in so little time. 

Her new job, being called out the second day, meeting a handsome man, watching a horrifying murder, and being blamed for such. 

Her heart tightly secured chains around it to stay safe. When things were rough, locking it away made things better.

As if making a sundae, the cherry delicately placed on top was the talk about... Werewolves. They kept talking about werewolves... and it would explain everything.

And that was scary.

Slowly, River raised herself to her feet. She wore tight black leggings and an oversized grey hoodie. She felt safe and warm in it, and the cold talons of the world could not grasp her skin. Treading downstairs and into the living room, her home was no longer crazed. 

She spent some time cleaning things... but there was still some clutter.

As she stood in the middle of her living room with bare feet, knocks delicately hummed from the front door. 

River had no intention of opening it. Once closed, it stays closed. To escape this horrifying world, she needed to build barricades. 

She let the knocking continue until it faded away into nothing.

A minute passed.

The delicate voice of Blaine sounded behind it, "River, I know you hear me."

"Please open the door. You can't shut yourself out." The girl reasoned with her, "I'm worried about you." She pleaded. 

River's eyebrows furrowed in thought.

Not being given a response, Blaine made another plea: "I'll bring you out for something to eat." She bargained, "I know a good cafe."

River's head perked at her proposition. While she wanted to escape the world, her hunger forced her to take large steps toward the door and twist it open. 

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