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I watched him as he shook hands with 3 men dressed in Ralph Lauren suits, my eyes turning away to my dress, in the reflection of the window. A white silk dress, thin straps on my shoulders and white heels, white toenails, everything white on white, instructed by the list on Roses party invitation. I then struck my eyes back to Rafe, who was in midst of laughing at one of the men's jokes which I assumed was indefinitely unfunny and he was just told to be on good behaviour, for his fathers reputation.

Ambling to the extremely long table, I grabbed myself a paper plate and began packing my lunch onto it. A few slices of cucumber, pizza, cocktail sausages, all of that stuff. "Hey" Sarah sighed, holding a glass of champagne in her hand as I continued grabbing food from the buffet. "What's up?" I asked, noticing her eyes scan the room. The girl shook her head In a stressed manner, finishing the rest of her drink. "John B's late." She said as I shoved a sausage into my mouth.
"He's coming?" You didn't tell me." I said, surprised.

"I didn't tell anyone. My dad doesn't want him round, you know, because of what happened last year with the whole firing him situation." Sarah quickly said, her hand slightly shaking as it grabbed the wine bottle.

"oh" i softly said. "But why's he coming if your dad doesn't want him to?"

"He's my boyfriend." She said and threw a grape into her mouth, shrugging her shoulders. "He can shove his opinions up his backside."
I grinned at her, admiring the confidence she emitted whilst the girl flicked her bright blonde hair and strutted to the garden, I began to follow behind her, still holding my plate of food, but my steps halted as a hand warmly gripped onto my arm.

I spun around, sweetly smiling up at Rafe whos eyes beamed down at myself. "You look beautiful." He said, leaning down to kiss my cheek.

"Thankyou Rafe." I grinned sheepishly, appreciating the validation he gave me, and it was only ever his that I wanted.

He nicked a sausage from my plate, and just before I could slap his hand away he was already shaking the hand of another businessman. I stood there awkwardly, listening in on their conversation, and making it a lot more obvious than I probably should have.

"Ah, yes. The company's doing really well." I watched as Rafe smiled, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a beer. I found myself staring at him in deep thought, just analysing every movement of his that was somehow done so perfectly.

The two carried on a small conversation about properties and the purchase of land, many words that didn't interest me In the slightest. Quickly, all of his attention was finally back on me. Rafe looked at me blankly for a second until the man was gone, and he gave me a quick "sorry" before taking a sip of his beer.

"I have something for you." The boy smirked, a cheeky glimmer in his eye.

"You do?" I asked, continuing to eat my food and be visibly clueless at his confession.

"It's upstairs." Rafe said, and held out his hand.

I paused for a minute. I didn't know if it was a good idea. I was unaware of how much I could trust him or myself.

"I'm not sleeping with you." I bluntly said, watching his cheeks rise and his lips to grow wide in a smile.

"Who mentioned anything about that?" He questioned, daunting me with his stare.
I playfully narrowed my eyes at him, trying to guess what his plan was.

I shrugged my shoulders grabbed his hand, following behind him, admittedly earning a couple of shocked stares from the kooks dotted around the house, but the pair of us wisely chose to ignore.

Rivals 2 /Rafe CameronWhere stories live. Discover now