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"okay, yoongi, i don't know how comfortable i feel with this-"

"it's okay, jimin, trust me."

"is that a blindfold? kinky."

"jimin! shh."

yoongi now had jimin blindfolded and sitting in his front seat, hands gingerly set on his lap. yoongi was strapping him in, holding himself back from taking a photo of him. he looked so cute. so quiet. so....submissive.

"but why can't i just see?" jimin whined, pulling at yoongi's hands on the seatbelt.
"damn it, jimin!" yoongi said, jokingly exasperated. "just! sit! i wanna surprise you. okay?"

"okay, okay..." jimin sighed, half pouting.
yoongi chuckled, kissing him on his cheek before closing the door and climbing in the driver's seat.

truth is, yoongi had no idea where to take jimin.

he told him he wanted to celebrate, and was going to attempt to seduce him, but he didn't feel that was...classy enough of him. but he had to think of something quick.

could this count as a kidnapping?

"so...before we go..." yoongi cleared his throat, turning a little in his seat. "where do you think we're going?"
jimin tilted his head back and groaned. "you're making me guess too?"

"just! gimme your best shot." yoongi sighed.
"okay. hm." jimin's chin screwed in thought. "where do rich people go when they're bored?"
"not sure, you tell me." yoongi teased.

"we're going...to a casino." jimin speculated.
"uh...no. gambling's illegal, jimin." yoongi responded.
"it is? since when?"
"since 1967, i believe."
"oh. then i don't owe hyunjin money!"

"jimin!" yoongi said, exasperatedly. "focus!"
"okay, okay! sheesh. we're going to..." he kicked his feet, humming as he thought. "an...amusement park."

"an amusement park..." yoongi echoed, looking out his windshield. "you guessed correctly. good job." jimin beamed in return, cheeks growing rosy under the blindfold's fabric.

yoongi began driving, but caught jimin trying to peek and lightly bat his hand away.
"hey! i know where we're going now." he argued.
"do you?" yoongi asked. "you never specified which amusement park."

jimin stuck his tongue out in return, and leaned his head against the window. yoongi smirked to himself, continuing to drive one-handed down the road. his right hand reached over and lay on jimin's thigh, giving a gentle squeeze.

fortunately for jimin, the ride was short, and the two arrived at a large red gate, where a valet greeted them eagerly, although casting a small confused look at jimin and his blindfold.

yoongi gave the valet his keys, smiling broadly. he then opened the passenger door and knelt down to careful pull the fabric from jimin's eyes.

jimin blinked, adjusting to the bright lights, then his eyes lit up as he saw the sight behind yoongi.
"oh, yoongi...wow!"
he stepped past yoongi, teetering slightly as he walked towards the lights, like a moth to flame.

the amusement park was alight with life, kids running through people and couples taking photos together in front of the glamorous rides, some playing games, and people eating oily and greasy foods. the night was cool, yet here it felt so warm and inviting.

jimin looked back at yoongi. "well, come on!"

yoongi chuckled as jimin pulled his arm, yanking him into the crowd. yoongi had purposefully dressed...less fancy than usual, but still stuck out like a sore thumb. with his expensive jewelry, smooth black hair, and flawless skin. girls were staring at him, and so were their boyfriends.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2022 ⏰

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