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As we wait for the dreamer to wake up again, we all sit down on the couch, reliving the event. We're all still star-struck.

Spencer's knee is bandaged.

Now we just wait...

"So," Ricky says. "About the murders..."

Oh no, not the murders. My head is still pounding.

"Do you think that man was behind the wheel?"

"You're jumping to conclusions. We don't know. Maybe, maybe not. Either way, we're all safe and good. Okay?"

I sigh a deep one. "Yeah. Okay. Anyone know what's wrong with Spencer?"

"I don't know. He said the other day he had a dream about Nadia being hung."


"Yeah, that really fucked him up."

Joe nods. He closes his eyes, sighing.

I look at him. "You okay, man?"

His eyes well. "I just... I need to go to bed. I'm sorry." He rushes to his bed, closing the curtain.

"So do we cancel the show tonight or no?"

"I don't know. What do you think?" I say to Patrick.

"We obviously have to, because Spencer's knee is shit."

"Shit. We should get him to a hospital. I totally forgot!"

I tell the driver to drive us to Salem Hospital as Ricky is posting an Instagram story on the show cancellation. It really sucks, but Spencer's knee is jacked, of course.

Our fans will understand, though. They're understanding.

"Hey, Dan?"

I look up.

"Do you think—"

"I already answered. We don't know."

"No, not that. Do you think we can get pizza now?"

I laugh. It wasn't I was expecting. "Yeah." I'm in the mood for pizza.

The bus was on its way to the hospital. A few minutes later Spencer wakes up.

We all rush over, our friend looking around, confused.

"Oh, fuck. How many times am I gonna wake up today?"

Classic Spencer.

"How are you?" His green eyes peer up at me.

He shrugs. "I have a headache a little, and my leg hurts..."

"We're going to the hospital, don't worry." Ricky says. "Coke?"

Spencer chugs the drink, and nods. "Thanks, boys."

I smile.


"Feeling better?" I say. We're in the hospital and Spencer has been resting all day.

He nods. His leg is in a cast. My breathing is tight.

Looking at him makes me sick, in a sympathetic way. I hate having thoughts of Spencer de— ew! Stop, me. Yuck.

He looks so helpless.

"Dan, can you call Nadia please?"

I nod, handing him his phone.

I watch him dial the number.

Spencer waves to me, and I and the rest step out of the room.

Ricky sighs. "I feel so bad. We have to cancel another show."

"I know." I nod.

My phone buzzes three times in a row. I take it out, and chuckle. It's just fans. I put it away.

We walk back to the tour bus in the hospital parking lot.

"So, guys. What're we gonna do?"

"About what?"

"About everything. We have to cancel everything. There's a killer out there!"

"Joe, stop. I'll call the police and everything will be fine. Don't let the vegan shit get to your brain."


"But we don't even know where we were." I butt in.

"You're right..." Ricky sighs, sitting on the floor.

A buzz comes from my pocket again. Another fan better—

It's not.

"Guys?" The username is silence_k!llz. I show them my phone.

Ricky raises an eyebrow. "Come on, Dan."

"No, look—" I look at the Instagram text and another mysterious message pops in.

I have someone you know, Dan.

Shit, who?

A minute passes as it feels like an infinity as Ricky, Patrick, and Joe sit on the floor. I tap my foot.

A video sends. IX is carved into what looks like skin up close. Red gloppy blood oozes slowly out, it's disgusting.

"Dan, hello? We're talking here."

I don't answer Joe as I stare at the screen.

The camera zooms out and reveals someone we had just left behind, looking weak.

Another text message sends. I clamp my hand over my mouth. S.C + N.T. I'm coming for you next...

He's got Nadia Teichmann and Spencer. Now he's after us.

The killer is not dead. Asshole.

I drop my phone onto the hardwood floor, it startling the band.

"The killer is not dead."


I run out of the bus and yell behind for the team to get their asses here.

The killer is impersonating the same Silence we created of our storyline of Welcome To Horrorwood.

It's after all of us. 

"All But Sadness" (Ice Nine Kills fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now