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Monty placed Bonnie on the bed inside the cylinder, "ok so umm, i have to power you off for the moment so i can fix you up" Monty spoke waiting for Bonnie's confirmation, Bonnie nodded slowly and that was a go for Monty, monty stepped outside the cylinder closing the doors behind him and started typing on the computer, he went to the (system) file and clicked internal folder and saw a (force shut down) button, he pressed enter and saw Bonnie close his eyes

He went inside the cylinder glass again and sat on the stool beside Bonnie and started getting to work, welding the wires of the ear onto the wires of the base of the head, he opened Bonnie's throat to fix his voice box but all he saw was plenty of wires and high technical shit, he didn't know any of these, "fuck..." he looked at some manuals or instructions books about wires and audio static and audio output and other adjustments, it will take him a while but, he can manage, maybe,

1 hour and 30 minutes later

He cleaned the small pipes such as the so called "throat" in an animatronic before he closed the throat and he had the urge to clean him up and so he did, he grabbed some wet towels and pants because some of Bonnie's color was wearing off, Bonnie woke up again startling the Gator a little bit from his seat, "b-Bonnie you aren't suppose to wake up yet" Monty spoke with concern in his eyes, "nah i do whatever i want, i wake up whenever i want" Bonnie spoke as he sat up, letting his legs hang down the edge of the bed, there was still a static in his voice from the new adjustments

Bonnie adjusted for a few seconds for his system to adapt the audio and sounds entering his new ear, and static in his voice, he sighed in relief "haaa... There we go, feeling new" he spoke looking at the Gator on the seat who was looking up at him hands between his thighs and tail swaying swiftly side to side, Bonnie chuckled softly by the view, it was adorable he looked at the window to see his reflection and to be honest it looked like Monty really did a good job, he looked back at Monty placing his hand ontop of the gators head ruffling his hair "wow good job kid, you did great!" Bonnie spoke, Monty melted by the big praise putting a smile on his face, "hehe.. Now let me finish you up", "what do you mean? Im fine you fixed me" Bonnie replied scratching his own chin, "i mean i have to clean you up and, put on some paint on the parts where that paint is wearing off" Monty replied, "alright alright, go on Rockstar"

Monty got off the stool and sat beside Bonnie, he grabbed the light blue paint and asked for Bonnie's arms wich Bonnie obliged and let Monty grab his arm and started painting, "so how were you still working on that pile of trash" Monty asked, "i preserved my battery incase someone comes, but everytime a staff comes they ignored me, and just kept throwing trash onto me, it was scary, i thought I'd ran out of battery without anyone helping me" Bonnie replied looking down, "oh... Sorry that happened to you, i cant imagine being in that state..." Monty responded,

after painting some certain areas in his body, he kneeled ontop of the bed sitting on his own legs reaching for Bonnie's face, "stay still please" Monty spoke as he drew black stars on Bonnie's cheek, he backed away a little bit to check if he did a perfect job and so he did, he then grabbed the the blue paint and drew a little thunder on the top corner of Bonnie's eye,

"there we go!" Monty spoke giggling lightly, Bonnie grabbed a mirror and looked at his face, and he's gotta say, Monty did an excellent job, got his old look back, "great Job!, you did such a excellent Job little Rockstar" Bonnie had to praise Monty for doing all of this for him, Monty hugged Bonnie from the side "im so Glad your back Bonnie..." Monty whispered head on Bonnie's shoulder, but curiosity ran through Bonnie's head as Monty's tone was a little sad

"hm? Why do you look so sad?" Bonnie asked, Monty broke the hug and went back to kneeling beside Bonnie, still on top of the bed, "... Everything was bad eversince.. Y-you left, e-everyone changed... I changed..." Monty spoke, tears started to form and fall in his face (pretend the staff really put Crying features on the bots) Bonnie cupped Monty's face and pulled him into a hug, placing his hand behind the gators head and pulling it to his chest for Monty to cry on, "oh.. Rockstar its alright, its alright, how did everything change?" Bonnie spoke never letting go of the Gator, "e-everyone started blaming me for y-your dissappearance, th-they started hating me" Bonnie felt really bad, he knew Monty doesn't want to be hated, the Gator might always be joyful and energised, but on the inside he's soft, one hate can really brake his heart, and 1 big shouts at him can make him tear up, "a-and chica and roxy always pushed m-me around, always screaming at me and always looking a-at me with mad s-s-stares, and Freddy made me feel... Feel like he didn't care about me anymore, his voice and face are always unreadable and expressionless when it comes to me.. B-but not to others... I-i don't like this..." Monty cried more onto the bunny's furry chest

Bonnie pulled out the hug and cupped months face with 2 of his hands, wiping the tears off with his thumb, "shhh... Its alright, i promise you we will prove them wrong, and i most certainly promise you i will make you happy again i promise alright kid?" Bonnie looked at the gators beautiful purple eyes, shiny as an amethysts, Monty nodded lightly and Bonnie smiled planting a small kiss on the gators forhead,

"let's go little Rockstar"


Here's the drawing of my Bonnie in this story

Here's the drawing of my Bonnie in this story

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