me and my good friend kyojuro went out together to see the fireworks. We stood next to eachother on the grass, nearby all the other people as they watched the brightly coloured sparks fly up in to the sky and explode into millions of sparkles.
"it's beautiful isn't it" I say, loud enough so kyojuro could hear me. "Very pretty indeed" he answers, feeling his presence a but closer to me then before. I turn around to see him looking at me. "What?.." I ask. "(Y/N).. i- " he began just as a big firework flew up into the dark sky. He groaned as more and more followed. He had to do it now.
Rengoku tapped my shoulder so I looked at him and he started acting things out with his hands. He pointed to himself first, then with hands made a heart shape and then pointed at me. I froze. "I love you" were the words. I didn't say anything, I just threw my arms around his shoulders and neck and held onto him, mumbling the words "I love you too kyojuro, "
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