Dance with Chaos; chapter 4 - The castle

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I looked around, confused... Where were I? I looked up at the bright sky. ‘Midday’ I thought to myself. I was lying on the ground, which was covered with dry leaves. There were three stones surrounding me, with marks on it. The stones reminded me of the ones I saw in the forest. I stood up, but something held me down. Or well, when I tried to stand up, I fell back, mostly by dizziness. The whole world was spinning around me when i tried to move. I saw a shadowy figure moving towards me, and I could hear myself scream...

”SHHH! You’re scaring the animals!” Suddenly, I recognized the creature. It was Daniel, or... Jankelstein, as I was to call him now. But, I didn’t really recognize him though. Not, quite as he used to look like. Instead of his, brown/red looking hair, it had been replaced by a green, shoulder long stripy hair. His skin had a more rotten touch to it, and on the sides of his head, two horns were sticking out. ”Just as things started to get weird...” I quietly mumbled to myself. ”Here, drink this.” J gave me a bowl, with some strange liquid in it. It didn’t smell too bad, and the fluid almost looked like lemonade. ”What is it?” I looked at him, confused. ”Oh, just a little something. Won’t kill you...” He grinned at me, and I almost got a bit scared, but I answered him with a serious face, saying ”Really now? Please tell me. What is it, and what will it do to me?” He rolled his eyes, letting out a brief sigh. ”It’s a liquid, helping you resist the ward over the teleport stones. Only I can use them without getting the consequences. And, before you ask what it is, it’s a protection, making people, well... Die, if they don’t know how to deactivate it. But, nothing to be scared of. This liquid will help you.” I glared at him, drinking it up. The liquid tasted disgusting, but I doubted I had any other choice. I suddenly felt the dizziness going away, and I could stand up. ”You got some explanation to do.” J grinned at me. ”I know.”

After walking for a while, we reached a big castle. We had walked through the forest, and found this, pretty much out in nowhere. The castle looked old, so it was a miracle that the whole place wasn’t a complete wrack. Daniel led the way into the big castle. I looked around with my jaw dropped. It was everything a medieval castle would look like. Statues made of knight’s armor along the walls, accompanied with paintings of kings and queens and big curtains made out of green and purple fabric. ”Welcome... To the Jankel castle. I, am your great and beautiful Lord Jankelstein.” I giggled, smiling at him. The castle was indeed great, and I had always imagined castles to look like this. ”You really got some taste in fashion, I must say.” He smirked at me, and I continued looking around, fascinated. ”Would the wonderful lady want a tour around my great home?” I smiled, saying a small ”Of course.” 

He showed me around some of the rooms, but most of the doors were closed, and he said that they would remain so. I didn’t bother why, I trusted he had his reasons. He led to me one room, and opened the door, smiling. Or well, the closest a smile he would ever get. It was more like a smirk. ”Here’s where you’ll be staying, princess.” I giggled a bit, walking into the big room. It was wonderful. A big bed, made of purple fabric and dark wood. Along the walls were bookshelves, covered with my favorite books, pens and sketch blocks. There were also some canvases, colors and brushes. But, the most amazing with the whole room was the view. From there, you could see the forest with the mountains far in the distance, and a small lake was noticeable too. ”It’s... Fantastic.” He grinned, sitting down in one of the chairs placed in the room. ”Well, since you had to drop out of your art school, I decided to make something like it.” Apparently he saw how much it had meant to me. 

When I got the invitation to the art, theater and music school I was out of my mind. I was finally going to do something I love, which made me incredibly happy. And, now this man, who had saved my life, had in another way ruined it. 

Though, I was happy he actually tried to make something out of it. ”You know me too well already.” He smiled. Or well, smirked. ”Well, I couldn’t fix your games and all. I’m, erh... Sorry?” He knew the games was a big part of my life, the medieval stuff that I loved. But who really cared, I lived in a huge castle now, a medieval one. ”I got a way to make it up to you though... Come on.” He took my hand, and led me to a room, filled with wardrobes, dressers and mirrors. He led me to a mannequin, where a some sort of dress were placed. It was colored in green and purple and silver. ”Well... You need to be dressed like a princess, don’t you?” I smiled at him. The dress were stunning, and like nothing I had ever seen. He left the room, apparently wanting me to change into the dress.  I did so, and looked at my self in the mirror. Maybe not the most beautiful girl there are, but I looked decent. I said I was done, and J walked into the room. ”Wow... You look.. Beautiful.” I felt myself blushing,  smiling.  It was not really like a medieval princess dress, it was a bit shorter, but still beautiful. He walked close to me, touching my arm, whispering in my ear. ”You stink.” I hit him playfully on the arm, telling him that I should perhaps go and take a royal bath then. He looked at me. ”We actually do have showers here, princess” I laughed, and walked to the bathroom that he had given me directions to.

It was surprisingly cleaner and more modern that I thought. I guess hygiene was important for this guy. I even found that he had bought the best shampoos too. ‘And he thinks it’s this important for me too...’ I thought to myself. 

When I was done with the shower, I walked back to my room, and met J in the corridor, not wearing much more than a towel. I looked at his face and he grinned. ”PERVERT!” I screamed and ran to my room, but another surprise was waiting me there...

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 28, 2013 ⏰

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Dance with Chaos; chapter 4 - The castleWhere stories live. Discover now