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Kim Jongin and Son Naeun

" I now pronounce you husband and wife . You may kiss the bride . "


Few months ago....

Inside Son Naeun's apartment .

Both of them were arguing . "Just do it ." Naeun let out a deep sigh . " WHAT ? YOU'RE JUST GONNA GIVE UP LIKE THAT ?? YOU DON'T WANNA FIGHT FOR OUR RELATIONSHIP ? "Kai speaks up . " It's not like that . I really want this to work out but she is my best friend , I don't want to make her sad and her father just died ..... I don't want to be a bad friend . In fact , I had lied to her about us . I don't want her to find out about us . EVER ." Naeun sat on the side of her bed . She did not even cry. She's trying to act brave in front of him . Kai didn't hate Naeun , he just hate the fact that he is going to marry another girl that he didn't even love ." FINE . I WILL MARRY HER .ON ONE CONDITION ."Kai said . "What? " Naeun muttered . " YOU HAVE TO MARRY SOMEONE ON THE SAME DAY AS MY WEDDING DAY .IF YOU FAILED THEN I WILL CANCEL MY WEDDING . WORST CASE SCENARIO ,I WILL LEAVE HER ON THE ALTAR AND YOU WILL BE THE PERSON WHO IS GONNA RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL OF THIS . Kai took his coat on his way out and left Naeun in confusion . She was in shock. She took a moment to understand what he had said . "I -HAVE-TO MARRY--SOMEONE-- ON--THE --SAME DAY ???" Just the thought of it makes her body trembles .Her brows furrowed in confusion . She finally shed her tears . " Oh god , what did I ever do? Oh help me God . " she cried . Even if she cried as loud as she can , nothing's going to change . That night, Kai and Naeun cried themselves to sleep .

Kai and Naeun did not planned for any of this to happen. They were in a perfect relationship . They barely had a fight .Many people would disagree but they really love each other so much and there was no room for Kai to get angry at Naeun's aegyo . Even when her aegyo is a total failure , he would just give up and smiled away . As for Naeun , Kai is her best friend and her soul mate . She would always imagine how she would live with him together with his dogs . Having kids and taking care of them . Naeun really wants twin just like in Return of Superman , the adorable twins Seojun and Seoeon . As for Kai , he didn't mind . Happiness isn't about having kids together or not . Happiness is living your life to the fullest with your love ones by your side . He love Son Naeun and nothing will ever change . Kai and Naeun knew what ever happen tonight , did not change the fact that they love each other . No one could replace him in Naeun's heart .

Naeun's family house

After the engagement party

They are having dinner together . Everyone are enjoying their meal except for Kai and Naeun . They both had to put their fake smile on and pretend like everything is okay . "Naeun are you okay ? Why aren't you eating ? " Kina looked at her . " Oh aniyo ... I'm just feeling under the weather . " Naeun said . " Oh ..... but aren't you excited for us ? " Kina said to Naeun without even realizing the fact that Naeun is having a hard time . "Of course . You two are the perfect couple !" Naeun smiled . "Who knew that I'm gonna marry this guy ! hahahaha" Kina poke Kai's cheek . Naeun and Kina are like sisters. Since Kina mom died when she was 17 , Naeun's mom treats Kina like her own daughter . They even went to the same college . They met Kai on the first semester . They've been friends since then. One day , Kina had to move to another place far away from Kai and Naeun .

And now she's here again .

After the dinner , their family are having discussion about the wedding . Naeun excuse herself and went to her room. She lied down on her bed and there was a knock on the door . " Look who I brought here .... " Kina stood by the door with Taemin . " Annyeong Naeun ssi......." Taemin smiled broadly. "Taemin oppa .... What are you doing here ?? " Naeun questioned . Taemin is Kina's brother . Before Naeun met Kai, she used to hang out with Taemin and Kina . Taemin is like her big brother." Of course I am here , my little sister is getting married !How can I miss this moment ? " Taemin giggled . " I'm gonna leave you both here . Annyeong ..." Kina gave a noogie on Taemin's head and ran away . "OWWW! KINA YOU MONSTER " Taemin shouted . Naeun giggled at him. "Funny huh ??! Come here ! "Taemin chase Naeun . They were screaming and laughing . Taemin found her ticklish spot and tickled her . " Aniyo ! Oppa jebal ! Hajima !!!! " Naeun screamed and giggled at the same time . Kai heard Naeun's voice and he went to look for her . He saw Naeun and Taemin were having fun and he walked away feeling jealous .

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