002 - Someone Like Me

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Being from an old money family seems like a dream; something that someone would kill to have. Being born into a family with hundreds of millions of dollars, living in huge mansions, being catered to constantly... Who would want anything else?

Most people love the idea of having the perfect life, but some people think the opposite. They long for something more than a bedroom the size of a middle-class home, they crave fun... or what they believe fun to be.

Hayden Sweatt is a picture perfect example of this. Handsome, young, well-behaved, and of course, insanely wealthy. He had the life that people dreamed of having, but he always felt like something was missing.

The brunette boy was a good student at his high school and took care of all of his home responsibilities. He was reliable and his parents, loving and kind, trusted him to do exactly what he was told. He never gave them a reason not to. He was classy around them, he dressed very nice and took good care of himself. He maintained a lean, toned build and had fluffy hair with a clean shaven face. He was desirable. And on the surface level, which is what he parents saw, he was perfect.

The truth was, he was nothing like what he presented himself to be. At home he was very proper, but at school he was known to be very charismatic and down to earth. He liked being a normal person. Of course he enjoyed having all the money in the world to spend, but he always had these thoughts in his head that dragged him away from the classy lifestyle.

"Why do you wear that just to change when you get here?" His friend Hunter asked him as Hayden pulled joggers and a hoodie out of his bag in his gym locker.

Hayden shrugged, "I don't want my parents to see me wear this stuff, they might see me differently." He replied, removing his button up and tossing on his hoodie.

Hunter raised an eyebrow, "They're your parents, why do they care?" He asked.

"You know how they are," Hayden answered, slipping the joggers on and putting on a pair of converse, "They like things to be perfect, and they think I'm perfect. It's best if they trust me, I can get away with more." He smiled slyly to his friend, who still didn't see the reason to hide who he is from his own family.

Hunter moved on from the topic and Hayden packed up his things before rushing out of the locker room, "Don't wanna be late, parents won't like that." Hayden joked, followed by Hunter rolling his eyes and following after his friend.

Later in the day, after getting through all of his classes, Hayden went to golf practice. His parents wanted him to play a sport, but Hayden compromised with golf since he wouldn't really have to try too hard. Plus, his parents loved to talk about it to the other rich parents at the country club.

When his practice was over around seven, he walked over to the schools football field and took his favorite spot under the bleachers as the sun began to set. He wanted to avoid going home, most of the time he avoided it, anyway. He enjoyed being care-free and he only gets that feeling when he's away from his family, despite how kind they are.

Many people get confused when Hayden talks about his family. Everyone that has encountered him around his parents have seen how kind and supportive they are, they love Hayden more than anything. They get him anything he asks, they always have his favorite meals prepared, but he still fakes everything around them.

He says he just prefers to be casual and believes they wouldn't like it if he were to be like that around the house, but it always seemed like something more. To Hayden, he knows its something more. He simply didn't understand it yet.

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