12. the Field of Dreams & Secrets Revealed

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3rd Person POV.
Location: Lucifer's Palace The Pride ring Hell

Right now the queen of Hell is at a party being held for the hero who slayed the icon of sin right now the hero is just hanging out with the owl demon known as Octavia but soon enough the queen of Hell herself is approached by none other than the the deadly sin of lust Asmodeus.

Lucifer: what do you want Asmodeus?

Asmodeus: you know our so-called hero they have a little secret that I managed to figure out~

Lucifer: lay it on me~

Asmodeus: she is actually a he~

Lucifer: Huh?! You're kidding right?!

Asmodeus: I may be a demon but this time I'm not lying when I say is the truth I'm the sin of lust I can smell dick from a mile away and when I told him that he had no idea what I was talking about he thought I was talking about some guy named dick so not only is he powerful a male but he's also innocent and a bit ignorant~

A smile curved Lucifer's lips she realized that if she played her cards right not only could she manage to get this young man in her pocket but maybe and just maybe she could get something very special out of the situation but then she realized that he's incredibly powerful and if he was able to defeat the icon of sin with such ease any deal that she could make with him could easily be broken by his power and he could easily unleash his infinite wrath upon her so she had to find a way to subtly manipulate the situation from the Shadows to get exactly what she wanted and she knew exactly what she wanted.

Lucifer: this is going to be very interesting~

Lucifer watched as her daughter approached the young hero and and she struck up a conversation with him.

Y/n L/n is currently hanging out with his new friend Octavia and soon enough he is approached by the princess of Hell herself Charlotte Morningstar.

Charlie: I got to say when I heard about the hero who defeated the icon of sin at first I didn't believe it but when my mom showed me the recordings that were taken by some reporters I was amazed to see your powers you must be the most powerful hero in the world!!!!

Y/n: well potentially I might be the most powerful hero in the world but I don't like to flaunt it or anything it's just one of the gifts of being me I guess.

Charlie: well I got to say you definitely earned my respect, is it okay if I ask you a question?

Y/n: you just did~

The three of them laugh at Y/n's little joke.

Y/n: I'm just fooling go ahead ask your question.

Charlie: why do you wear a mask? I thought Heroes nowadays don't wear masks and have secret identities.

Y/n: well most of them have a superhero identity but not a secret identity me I've learned how to be a hero from comic books and all the great comic book characters I know all have secret identities because who wants to pressure of being super 24/7 like can you imagine me going to the supermarket as my hero Persona that makes no sense to me.

Charlie: what kind of comic books did you read as a kid?

Y/n: oh you know the standard stuff Green Lantern, Superman, Batman, Spider-Man, The Avengers All That Jazz~

Charlie: I got to know how are you so powerful? Is it some sort of sacred gear? A powerful quirk? Some sort of crazy semblance? How do you do all that stuff?

Y/n: how about a change of scenery because I don't think that's quite an appropriate topic for such a social environment~

Charlie: that's a brilliant idea I know the perfect place follow me!

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