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[I accidentally published earlier 💀]

(Story starts here)
It was early in the morning at CC. Too early for the campers to get up. The sun was just rising over the redwood forest, and the two camp councillors stood by their jeep.

Roxie looked at her phone, speaking very loudly at it, as Dave stood next to her. "What I'm trying to tell you is that while we know you wanted your nephews to join the camp today, and that this is very important to Mr Masrani, but we've had two serious incidents within the last 72 hours, which-"

"Don't forget about the raptor pen!" Dave interrupted her.

"Yes, and-"

"Don't forget the storm!"

"Yes, Dave. So, Miss Dearing, what I'm trying to tell you is that-"

"And the life threatening stampede during the sto-"

"Yes, David, I already know!" Roxie yelled in annoyance. "So what I need to tell you is that either your nephews don't join the camp, or preferably we get more staff supplied immediately."

She then pressed the send button on her phone, but it just replied with, "We're sorry, but the recipient's mail box is full. Please try again later."

They both groaned.

"New plan, we go to her ourselves," Roxie announced, getting into the jeeps driver seat.

"I'm sorry, did you just suggest we leave the kids here?" Dave asked. "Our kids, y'know, the ones who seem determined to get themselves eaten and/or killed? Those are the kids of which you speak?!"

"... We'll be back in not too long," Roxie hesitantly responded.

Dave groaned and headed back to the elevator. "I'll write them a note."

Everyone but Darius and Brooklyn was gathered in the main entrance area. In the center of the room, Jason, Sammy, Yaz and Ben were sat, while Kenji sat on a spinny office chair by the elevator, having stopped slowly zooming around the room to be facing the massive tyrannosaurus skeleton which loomed over everyone.

'Jason' is bored. Very, very bored. This morning, Dave and Roxie took off in their truck to go talk to their boss. And so all they left them was a note and children menus to colour in, and no way in heck was he doing that. And so he just casually chatted with Sammy and Yaz, the latter of which was concentrating on drawing what looked like a yutyrannus, a feathered tyrannosaur. Sammy was talking about how her favourite cow, Bessie, loved watching TV and eating junk, which in 'Jason's' opinion, sounds like a modern teen. Yaz chipped in now and again, while 'Jason' was 'fully engaged'. Ben was on a couch opposite, colouring something.

Suddenly, Darius burst in from the door connecting the main room to the boys bunk. "What up Camp Cretaceous, woo!"

"I'm not exactly in a 'woohoo' attitude right now, Dino nerd, trekking through a storm will do that to you," Kenji said, glaring at Ben.

"Well we wouldn't have had to trek through the storm if someone hadn't crashed the gyrosphere," Ben argued, trying to match Kenji's glare while sipping his carob juice.

Kenji intensified his glare on Ben, and Ben whimpered and immediately got back to drawing him and Bumpy.

"Yeah, well we're going kaya...!" Darius nodded nervously, and looked around. "Where are Dave and Roxie?"

"The negligent babysitters had to go see their boss, left this note." Kenji pushed the chair closer to him and pushed a piece of paper into Darius' chest.

Camp Cretaceous Journey (Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now