Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: The Move out

I laid in bed listening to my mom and dad fight about something random again. I looked towards the pictures on my nightstand. Particularly, the one with me, my grandmother and Mom standing in front of a waterfall.

My mom used to be the kindest person on earth, before my fifth birthday, when she had missed a party, coming home drunk. Since then she's never been the same. For instance, before my quirk came in she became abusive leaving me with bruises all over the place. Three days before my sixth birthday, she barged into my room, accusing me of taking her booze. She charged at me and out of fear I put my hands up, activating my quirk. It pushed her across my room, breaking my tiny kid desk and kitchen toys. Out of anger she came at me again using her quirk. In tear's my body started to float, missing me and hitting my childhood cat.

"NALA" I screamed, alerting my father from downstairs. "You little brat," she huffed. Her gaze soon softened. Her eyes that were once red turned back to normal. Tears started slipping from her eyes as she looked at me. "Y/n..Baby, your quirk is finally here.." I ignored her, looking towards Nala, my father soon barging in. "What have you done?" He muttered. Nala laid cold and lifeless on my bed. My mom looked back at Nala and screamed in horror. Dad took me out of the air, as I reached for Nala. Her small body came into my arms as my tears fell heavily. Instead of this being an exciting moment it was tarnished with fear and disappointment. "Phoenix, help me, I didn't mean too. Some-" my mom cried. "ENOUGH!" he roared, holding my small frail body tightly.

My mother had the ability to give and take away life. Her only weakness was anything she killed, she couldn't bring back.

After the incident, my mother would provoke fights with me. The negative emotions would cause my quirk to grow stronger and harder to control. My dad would joke around saying I was based off Star Wars to cheer me up after a fight. I never understood why he never left my mom, till now.

I sat up in bed, looking towards the boxes my dad gave me to pack with. Two big boxes and three small ones. I looked at the time, one in the morning..."Well it's a good thing I don't have school tomorrow" I muttered to myself while getting out of bed. I grabbed my white beats on my nightstand, finding a playlist to blast music too. The last thing I wanted to do was listen to them fight, all night.

I started packing all my clothes into the first big box, leaving a few things out just in case. All of my jewelry, make-up and hair accessories went into one small box, while hygiene, hair and skin care went into the other. Two boxes to-go. In the last small box I put my stationary and volleyball gear and in the last big box I put room decor, and organization items in. I let out a sigh of relief. Most of it was all done. I just needed to pack my carry-on and suitcase so I have a few things. In my suit-case some canned cat food, one pair of sweatpants, three pairs of leggings and a pair of shorts were packed. Then a few shirts and workout gear with one hoodie followed. I only had three pairs of shoes. Nike running shoes, red converse and white converse. I left out the Nike shoes because they were so freaking comfortable. In my carry on, chargers, snacks and my laptop.  I left all the furniture alone. I grabbed my softball bag and placed it on top of a big box.

Looking at everything being packed, I let out a triumphant laugh. Then quickly covering my mouth. I did not want to sound like All Might. "I am here" bull shit.

Flopping back on my bed, I checked the time.

3:46 a.m.

I sighed, letting my tabby cat crawl onto my stomach. Tigger was a gift from my grandmother before she passed on. She taught me almost everything I knew. I took off my headphones after ten minutes of laying in bed and slowly started to drift off.

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