Chapter 1

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     I remained steady as my brother trailed besides me, my gaze focused on the chestnut-brown hare ahead of myself. The creature was sniffing around the ground in looks for healthy grass to eat; most of the wildlife around was poisoned and dulled by the fierce paws of the upcoming Icewind. Around us settled a chill so cold that it froze by bones, my teeth trying their best not to chatter as the night grew on. Above me rose the faithful Moon-Dog, her comforting glow vanquished as winds pulled in scattered clouds. I knew snow would soon arrive; the lakes had frozen through, unable to break, as the geese migrated to warmer lands, in search of food and shelter. For a moment I wished I were a goose; free to go wherever I wished, travel to life-filled lands. But I wasn't; I'd never be, so I'd have to adapt to this sucky life as a loner, till the day I'd join the ranks upon the stars.

      I crouched low as I regained my senses, my paws grazing the gritty earth as I advanced forwards towards my prey. With a mighty leap I soared into the air above, bringing down the rabbit with my paws and my weight. It struggled for a few moments but I pushed it down, my fangs sinking into the soft flesh of its neck.

      Feather besides me gave a howl of congrats, his stubby, dark red tail giving a small wag. He bounded forwards to give my ear a nice lick, pulling back after to gaze down at my prey.

     "Great catch, sister! I'm Impressed!"

     I raised a brow. "Impressed? Does that mean you doubt my normal hunting skills?"

     He put his paws up in defense. "What? No! I just think you uh...did extra good this time, of course! Why would I ever lie to you?" I gave a playful growl and tackled him to the ground, my forepaws pushing down on his chest. He gave a wheezing laugh as he tried to push me off; of course, failing to do so.

     "My hunting may not always be nice but I've sure got the power to fight, don't I?" I commanded down to him. "Say it, or your pelt will line my nest."

     He gave a strangled laugh and barked hoarsely, "Your a great and skilled fighter! Now, let me up, please?" I nodded and got off my him, before bursting into laughter. MY brother, after a few frowns, joined in, and we chased each other across the clearing. I froze mid-track as a stern voice interrupted.

     "And what's happening here? Not horseplay I hope, you know Quite needs his food." Besides her the little terrier gave an embarrassed look, glancing down at his small paws. The little pup was the youngest amongst me and my siblings; he was born a runt. So of course, he got our mothers love first paw. Hardly any coldness was directed towards him. I remained silent at my mothers scolding, but besides me my brother stirred

     "That's not fair!" he said with a angry yelp. "We just caught a rabbit! Can't we have fun?" Mother looked taken aback from his outburst; she clearly wasn't excepting us to defend ourselfs. "Didn't you run around as a pup, mother? Why should it be any different for us?"

     "Your nearly all grown up! If you were a pack-dog, you'd have your grown-dog name by now! You know what this worlds like; your father got killed by his own idiotic matters. Don't end up like him." I gave a growl at my mothers insult directed at my father, my hackles lifting.

      "Don't you dare talk about our sire-dog like that! He was a brave dog; his death was a accident. Don't go blaming anyone just yet," I snarled, my eyes narrowing to slits as I stood my ground. "You never seem to love him anymore."

     "Don't you bring up his love to me," she snapped bitterly. "He earned this after his foolish death. Now, keep your mouth shut when told, and don't you dare talk back." My ears flattened and I felt my lips curl, but I remained silent. Best not to start yet another fight with mother; she always won. Instead I loped over towards Quite, giving his nose a gentle lick. He wasn't much of a speaker; I found it quite rude for mother to call him that just because he never spoke. He did all he needed to do for me; nod, listen, and overall be there as a brother. He didn't need a voice if wished. Me and my brother gave him the title of Pip; it was something he seemed happy with being called, rather than Quite.

     "Had a good walk, Pip? The geese were flying out in the sky today." Little Pip gave a small nod, his tail wagging as his brother dropped down the rabbit at his paws. "Look what your sister caught for us! You love rabbit, don't you? She made sure to catch this just for you? Mind we share a bit or two?" Pip nodded once again and took a rabbit leg, munching down on it as he settled down. I took a spot besides him, taking a rabbit flank myself. I made sure to shield Pip away from Mother as far as possible; she always tried to get him speak. Besides me my brother gulped down some rabbit flesh, smiling down at Pip as the pup continued his food.

     "Wanna hear a story about the gallant hunters Pipsqueak and Shadow?" Murmured Feather as he licked his chops. "Pipsqueak reminds me of you." Pip gave an eager nod, nearly bouncing up to his paws.

      "Long ago, before the moon-dog and the sun-dog ran across the sky, the two littermates Pipsqueak and Shadow roamed the skies. They would always chase after the rabbits and the birds and the geese. They would never miss a catch. But one day, the deer king, ruler of all the deer, captured Shadow, threatening to end her life in three days. Little Pipsqueak, using his quietness, went swiftly to rescue his lost sister, and he did something no pup has ever done before; bring down the Deer king!

      'Because of his quiet voice the deer King knew nothing of him, and once he saved his sister they supplied this deer to all the other dogs in the world, big and small, young and old. He remains a hero to this day."

     Pip's eyes glistened with amazement and courage, and I knew he was thinking, one day, I'll be just like Pipsqueak. I saw myself as Shadow; the fierce, protective litter-mate of Pipsqueak. Like Shadow, I would do anything to protect my littermates. Like Shadow, I'd fight for my life when in peril. And like Shadow, I'd risk death for my siblings; but unlike Shadow, I doubt I'd never escape it.


     my heart skipped heavily with its beats as I ran from the unknown danger. I didn't know what was behind me, who was chasing me, but I knew someone was there, by the thundering paw-steps of some dog or something, and the snapping of twigs followed with the splatter of rain. Yet, it wasn't raining, I realized. My pelt was completely dry, as if I was just taking a stroll through the meadow beside the wind-dogs themselves. But that wasn't the case; I clearly saw the rain falling all around me.

     "Sister help us! Please, help us!"

      I turned my head to see my two littermates, backing away from shadowy figures. These figures transformed into terrible creatures; two paws on the ground, two in the air, no fur except on the top of their heads. They all had different colored skins; ones that seemed to be made of  some longpaw material. 

     "Hey, Long paws, get away from my litter-mates!" I snarled, dashing towards them. "Let them go!" I heard a rumble sounding from behind me, and as I turned around I saw a loud-cage racing towards me, top speed. I shut my eyes, ready for impact, when something sullen and cold shoved me away. I skidded against the stone surface, and when I opened my eyes my heart nearly tore in two.

     Little pip was laying still on the ground, blood trickling from his mouth. I gave a cry of alarm as I dashed over to him, all my fear of earlier replaced with dread. "Pip, wake up. Wake up, your gonna be just fine, please! Wake up, just wake up!"

     But the pup lay still, and I knew at that moment he was dead.

I woke up with a gasp. Frantically I darted my gaze left and right, making sure I wasn't in the longpaw settlement. I saw berry bushes around the clearing dotted with flowers and thorns. Oak leaves scattered the ground alongside the nettles from the pines, and I could feel the rising flank of my brother besides me. Feathers snores were as irritating as ever. They comforted me, too; it let me know he was just fine. I raised my head to make sure Pip was there. I felt like I'd be sick. There was Pips bedding; smooth yet crumpled as ever, but no pup. If he's dead, I'll never forgive mysel- 

     Something nudged my pelt. There was Pip, a weak smile on his face as he blunk sleep from his eyes. I must of woke him up, I thought silently, as he sat besides me. He gave my side a comforting nuzzle and I felt myself slowly relax, till my breathing was easy and I knew that my family was safe. I lay back down, both brothers beside me now. This was a good life; I'd stay with my litter-mates till the end.

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