Part 3: Your Friend

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"That's it, that's it, good job!" All you were doing was trying to walk again and yet this whole legion of three people were being supportive and encouraging the entire way.

Today was your first day up in a while. You could, after many days, finally have a proper bath... Two actually, because you were just that bad, and now had some new, clean clothes on and the chance to walk again. You used the a couple of horizontal poles parallel to each other to keep yourself upright. Though your arms were also weak, they were nothing compared to your feet. Despite the surgeries they underwent while you were asleep, your animal-like toes were a little deformed, especially on your left foot where the old burn mark was now almost hidden entirely by the scorching underwent. You had a few scorch marks elsewhere throughout your body as well, but none were as terrible as your pawed feet.

"Aaaay, you made it to the end!" The three clapped. Your mouth broke wide into a smile. Never in your life did you receive praise from something as simple as walking. In fact, you couldn't remember a time when any praise was thrown your way! A little excited, you decided to continue past where the rails could support you.

Suddenly, you were much heavier. Your legs tingled and shook, random pricks of pain accompanying every little baby step. And then, your legs just gave out. The three, two male and one female, were quick to catch you. It was interesting, these three. They all looked an awful lot like you. All of them Dezzer on some level. Some more demon and some less. In fact, looking at them, you were probably the most human of these three. This was...interesting. you were so used to being the least human. Even when you ran into other Dezzer, they often had much more human features and an easier time blending in with the rest of society. Some even looked completely human, other than a couple small things only you could spot, being a Dezzer yourself. You were still the oddball here, but now it was...different. The three assistants helped you back up to your feet and guided you back to the bed.

      Knock. Knock. Knock.

"Ay, guys, how's the little demon doing?!" Steve barged in with a big grin on his face. He entered just in time to see you being sat on your bed. "Ah, is she practicing walking? That's good... Uhh, I brought pot roast!" Turning his body, the only full blood human in the room revealed a large metal pot with a lid on it. Hanging from the tight grip in one of his hands was a bag filled with bowls and silverware.

"Oh, yummos!!" The girls leapt in joy. "Thank you, Steve!"

"Ahh, no worries. I should be thanking you for doing all the tedious stuff in making sure our guest heals up properly. Oh! Do you have a name, by the way?" He turned his head to you. You nodded, but then pointed at your throat in discontentment. "Ah," Steve started to amble with the big pot over to the table in front of your bed. He scooted aside some medical supplies just so it could fit on there. "Well it feels rather odd just calling you 'the guest.' Do you perhaps know how to write it down?" You stared at him for a moment before again looking down at your lap, face flushing bright pink. You had never been taught how to read or write. "Ah. Well, maybe I can bring a tutor in here to help you learn sign language if that helps... It's a language people use when they can't talk. Herobrine taught me and himself that language at a young age since he used to be overly self conscious of his voice as a teenager. Haha!" You couldn't help but smile. Had no idea how, but Steve's presence alone always made you feel as if you'd always been a part of his family.

The three others in here had apparently been adopted by him even though he was just a few years older than them, so, who knows?! He might just adopt you too so you really do end up as part of his family! (Steve is canonically AroAce, bite me!)

You smiled a tad and nodded, liking the idea of learning how to communicate properly with everyone.


Healing was...a tedious process. Within a couple weeks, you were mobile enough to get around on a pair of crutches.

Life around here was a lot different than life on the streets. For starters, you couldn't see the sun! Started to freak out even, wondering where it was. This meant you had to rely more on the clock and times people came to visit. A lot of people came to visit. You were talk of the town, apparently! Everyone, from random workers to noblemen, wanted to know that you were doing better. Pictures were taken of your recovery. The first time a picture was taken of you that didn't mean your safety was at imminent risk. It was all...quite flattering, really.

After a couple weeks, thanks to a lot of free time, you knew the basic alphabet and enough simple words to at least communicate what it was you wanted.

"Y/n," the world finally knew your name...though they continued to pronounce it incorrectly.


You sat alone in bed, just having woken up and debating whether or not you wanted to sleep.


You sat up straighter. There wasn't exactly any kind of sound you could make to let them know to come in, so you tried whistling. That worked, thankfully. Through the doorframe, a tall figure crouched. The lights were flicked on and though not insanely bright still made you flinch.

"Oh, apologies, madam." A tall, slender creature much like a full blood demon but...different entered the room. Must have been some kind of cousin to the demon. They were much taller, had rougher, shiny skin and no form of horns or tail. Instead the most identifiable features, other than their height and darker toned skin..were those glowing purple eues. That, and one large mouth, which housed many sharp, thin teeth.  Before you could worry this new stranger was here to harm you, "Prince Steven has brought me on as your personal assistant." He said while bowing. "He's told me you'll be staying longer than intended." His glowing eyes met yours directly. They were so bright and bold, somehow possessing so much wisdom that it was only reactionary of you to break from the eye contact quickly.

You signed to him, "Do you know sign language?"

The tall one smiled. "Yes." "I am an Enderman. Our kind is taught a plethora of different languages from birth." That made you smile. "Would you prefer I talk in sign language?"

You shook your head. It would be much easier for you to understand if he just spoke normally. "...How many speak do you know?"

"Languages?" He asked while correcting you. You nodded. "Ohhh... About fifty-three, I'd say. Took me a while to learn Mandarin for some reason, though, so I am not as far ahead as I should be.."


"Raed ym, Nairedne eb dluow taht... But I will not bore you with the native tongue. Now, before we continue, there is actually a reason I have been sent here at this time." Your eye brows rose a little. The enderman clapped his hands together and held them there for a moment. "Prince Steven asks that you get dressed -- don't know why he didn't just purchase a female because I cannot clothe you -- and to be out of your room for an event that is being set up outside." Your eyes widened.

"I get to leave my room?!"

"Heheh..." Looking down, "Wow that's rather depressing... But yes. Yes you can!! Just, uhhh.. OH! Here's a fine gown you can wear!" Shuffling across the room, the enderman picked up a little dress draped over the back of a chair.

You shook your head at him a little bit. "Too small."

"Ah... Bummer. Well, I'm sure there are other fine ones just like it elsewhere. I'll be back in a jiffy!" You waved the enderman down frantically. "-Yes?"

"Name? Name?"

"Name? You mean what's my name? Heh, not that many people ask me that.. It's Yaedal in case you were wondering." You smiled, immediately trying to think about how you would even say that in sign language.

"Y / n." You gave him your name letter for letter.

"Ah, well in that case, Y/n," Oh my gosh he actually pronounced it correctly! "I should be off before we end up being late."


Your eyes shot open... Nothing was left but a few glowing particles. He just...vanished.

...You didn't hope that was his self destruct button just being pressed.

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