booty bouncer

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as soon as he was out of sight the green devil ran home and he blushed the whole way there thinking about the onceler. max shook snow off his body and trotted happily throughout the cave leaving his owner to rot and die.

"did i really just say that? to him!" grinch questioned himself brushing fur out of his eyes

the onceler arrived back to his tent and sighed in his bed as a little bear cub crawled into his lap and cuddled with him. the lorax kicked his door down gobbling dog treats he found in town.

"lorax." the onceler sat up

"those are dog treats..." he face palmed

"oh." the fatass cheeto shrugged and offered onceler some

onceler scrunched his nose and declined pushing his hand away.

"GUESS WHAT! I MADE MY FIRST SALE!" onceler cheered, waking the cub and make it shoot 10ft into the air

"ah poo." lorax sighed

when suddenly he jumped but not on his own, against his own will. they heard singing, and lots of it, coming from outside. for some miracle the thneed got popular and he needed more of it. people started offering tons of money for just one sneed, he needed much more fluff than what he's got to make all these thneeds. the lorax stared at him in a disgusting matter knowing he will harm the environment doing such.

"hey, if you want to make more of these thneeds your going to have to find another way to get the fluff, you can't cut down ANYMORE trees, that one was enough for your greedy badussy" lorax bitterly spoke

"fine..." onceler supposed

the grinch was sitting on the couch yet again but max was laying in his bed. he glanced at the card with the phone number then looked at the phone. he dialed the number hesitantly as the phone rung.

"hello?" the onceler panted on the other side of the phone

grinch blushed just at the sound of his voice

"it's me." the cold hearted furry stated

"HELLO!" onceler shouted giggling

they talked on the phone for an hour or two before grinch heard max barking at his empty food bowl with sad puppy eyes, obviously grinch has to go, so he hung up without warning because he didn't feel like it. he hurriedly filled max's food bowl with his water bowl and sat at the table near him groaning in need for attention as he slammed his face on the table. he turned his head, which was still on the table, and looked at the phone with the phone number right next to it.

max barked once the phone rang. grinch sloppily walked over and sat in the near the phone and made it spin a little.

"what?" he groaned

"jeez girlypop it's just me!" the onceler giggled

"oh right, what do you want?" grinch asked embarrassed

"nothing! just wanted to make sure your doing swell!"

grinch blushed knowing the onceler is thinking about him.

"im feeling..." grinch didn't like talking about his feelings, especially to people he didn't want to lose.


"i just have a question for you." the green blob sighed scared for once

"go for it grinchy!" the onceler beamed

"you wouldn't mind, i don't know, coming over for a bit?" he muttered quietly

"on my way." onceler somehow heard and hung the phone up

grinch jumped out of his chair as max did too, grinch had to get everything cleaned and get ready before the only other person he cared about came. he didn't want him to think he was a lazy slob by his living conditions, he immediately got everything ready, made his bed, cleaned the dishes piled on the counter, etc.

for the onceler it was a struggle getting up to mouth crumpet to see this dream looking ass bitch. why do i care about him so much i have to sacrifice my life for him? he asked himself climbing the mountain. he finally made it up 30 minutes later barely being able to move his lips. his nervousness melted the icicles away and gathered the courage to ring the doorbell, on the other side of the door he could hear max barking and grinch falling to his death L. shortly after the door opened to see a panting and sweaty grinch. he blushed just at the conditions he saw him in, wondering what he might've been doing before he came.

kill me.

sincerely, Buff Daddy Cole 0_0

onceler x grinchWhere stories live. Discover now