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Rui: I thought I could trust you, Tsukasa-kun. From all the people who could do this, you were the one I was least expecting. Why...?


Said Rui as some tears started forming in his eyes. He didn't want to believe that his only trustworthy boyfriend had cheated on him like that.


Tsukasa: You can still trust me Rui. I already told you that was nothing. I would never in my whole life.

Rui: Then why does it look so real...?

Tsukasa: I don't know, really.

Rui: Oh really?! Then why do I remember seeing you kiss Shizuku?! Any explanation for that?!

Tsukasa: Leave Shizuku out of this conversation! She did nothing bad! That photo happened years ago, way before I met you and the rest of WonderShow!

Rui: Oh really?! Then why did Mizuki show me this?! They must had a reason to.

Tsukasa: I'm not Mizuki for you to ask me! If you really believe what Mizuki says then why did I see you kiss Mizuki on the school rooftop earlier?! Do YOU have an explanation for that?!


Tsukasa: Fine by me. And you know what? Shizuku kisses better than you. Hope you have a better life with Mizuki.


And just like that, Tsukasa left Rui's house as tears fell down his orange eyes. He knew what he did was wrong but it wasn't also an excuse for Rui to bring it up. The kiss between him and Shizuku was before Tsukasa met the director so why now? He was happy with his life and happy with who his partner was. So why?

This was someone's scheme to tear them apart and it worked perfectly as they planned.


Tsukasa: If love really hurts like this, then why does it exist in the first place.


And just like that, Tsukasa made this way back home hoping to see a better day tomorrow.

💔꓄ꁝꏂ ꏂꋊ꒯💔

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