The beginning of the end

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The day started like any other day. But little did I know that this day was going to be anything but normal.


I groan as I open my eyes. My hand reached over to turn the alarm off. The sun shined through my curtains. I take my phone off charge and check the time. The time is 7:45am. "Ugh, why can't school start later" I whisper. I pull the covers over my head, trying to block out the bright sun. My bed sheets are warm. I don't want to leave my bed.

My door shot open "oi fuck face, wake up or I'll get techno to stab you in your sleep" my brother wilbur yells while pulling off my bed sheets. "Nooo 5 more minutes" I protest "no get up now or I'll tell dad what I saw on your phone" I shoot up out of my bed "no don't do that, look I'm up" I say giving a big fake smile. "Now get dressed before you make us late to school" Wilbur says while shutting my door. I groan again "I fucking hate school" I whisper yell to myself.

I walk over to my wardrobe and decide to wear my Usual red and white shirt, with light brown long pants. Once I've gotten dressed I stumble into my bathroom and grab my hairbrush and start to brush my golden curly-ish hair. I wince at every nott I brush out. Once my hair looks somewhat presentable I walk downstairs to see my dad and other brother techno, in the kitchen.

"What's for breakfast?" I ask my dad "there's cereal, toast or a Muesli bar" my dad tells me "hmm... I'll have cereal" i open the cabinet, but before I could grab anything dad stops me "don't combine 5 different cereal's together" my dad says sternly. Fuck that was the only reason I wanted cereal in the first place "because don't you remember last time? Last time you were sitting on the toilet for over 3 hours" he says chuckling "I remember that" techno chimes in "no one asked for you option techno" i claim "and no one asked for you to be born" techno announces. "Shut up bitch" I yell "no you sh-" "BOYS" my dad interrupts, me and techno both give each other death glares.

"Why are you all yelling?" Wilbur asks while escorting himself down the stairs "techno said that no one likes and and I shouldn't have been born!" I Over Exaggerate while putting on a fake sad face. "I did not say that, you lying bitch" techno exclaims "even if techno did say that you probably deserve it" Wilbur utters "I DO NOT DESERVE IT. DADDD THEY GANGING OUT ON ME AGAIN" i howl "boys stop fighting or you'll ALL be grounded" dad informs us "but wh- that's- that's not fair!" I complain. "Tommy shut up or I'll tell dad what I saw on your phone" wilbur threatens "y-you wouldn't d-dare" I stutter "what did you find on Tommy's phone?" Dad asks "byeeee!" I shortlist while leaving the house.

I walk down the drive away and start walking to school, when I realized I forgot my phone. Oh fucking shit cunt balls. WHAT IF DAD IS LOOKING THROUGH MY PHONE. I run back to my house and swing the door open to see dad grabbing my phone, I run up to him and snatch my phone out of his tight grip. I make a run for it out the door, but just as I almost make it to the door techno is standing right infront of it blocking my only way out. "Techno let me past please!" I plead "nope" he says while smirking "Tommy. What's. on. Your. Phone." Dad says in a concerned tone. "N-nothing" I say while running back up to my room.

I slam my door open, and run to the window. I open the locks and open the window wide. I scramble out the window and make a run for it. I bolt to school and I don't stop running until I get to the big brick building.

I walk through to school gates panting. Just as I'm about to walk into the building I get squeezed by a hug. I turn around to see my friend jack "hi jack" I say smiling "yoo hi Tommy, how have you been?" "I've been good, but I might be grounded when I get home" I tell him "what did you do this time" jakes says while trying to hold in his laughter. "My dad went through my phone" i frown "oh shit, welp I'll be at your furnal" he says laughing "oi bitch don't laugh at me or I'll fuck you up!" I threaten "oh sure you will buddy" jacks says while patting my head. I storm into the building and head to my locker.

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