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It was a normal day like any other day.

Angel wasn't at home at all. She was at the convenient store, on her shift. She wanted her own money to buy her own things... like video games and ramen. She smiled as she did her job. She soon ended her shift pretty early in her standards.

"Angel! Our life is ruined!"

Angel looked over to see Anzu. "Anzu? What do you mean?" Anzu got to her then looked at the empty chocolate isle. "No more games, chocolate, or Momohiki!" She blinked, not understanding at all. "What?" "Our parents moved to the US and took Momohiki! We can't play or eat nice either!" "Anzu, I love all those things, but I have work and stuff. I hardly have time for anything these days. I'm done with my shift. Could you buy some ramen?" "Huh? O-ok~..." Her sister went off.

Angel shook her head and got out her phone. She saw the text from their mom as she opened the door. A phone got knocked out of a hand and landed on the ground. It was cracked up pretty good. "Oops. I'm so sorry." She went over and picked up the phone. She held it out. "That's a pretty good crack." She bowed, "sorry again. I'll get it fixed up." She looked at him guy. "Wow... he is pretty cute." "You don't have to pay for the repairs." "Huh?" She tilted her head a bit. "I wasn't..." He looked at her. "Paying attention either." She blushed faintly then shook her head.

"There's no ramen!"

Angel and the guy looked at Anzu. "What?! No ramen?!" She shed tears. "I ran out last night..." She cried and ran away. "Angel!" Anzu ran after her in a hurry.

The sisters got home and Riri appeared.

"Devil! What are the things you took from Angel?!" Anzu looked very mad. "I'm not a devil! I took away video games, ramen, anime, and manga. She had more than you. Her job ws not in the way though!" "Anzu... what is that?" "A devil who is forcing us to find love!" "Love? I don't have time for boys. I'm not looking for a relationship. Men are scum. I'm skipping dinner. Night." She went to the couch and laid down.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 23, 2022 ⏰

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