Ch 2

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"Ash ! Where are you?" A girl of ten could be seen in the garden searching for somebody. "Come on now that's not funny anymore. Where are you ? I won't get angry." She kept searching for the said person. After some time she saw a figure laying in the shade below a tree ,"Finally , there you are ! I was searching everywhere for you ." As she near the prone figure she could see that the said person was sleeping comfortably . The girl could only sigh and think ,"And here I was searching for you . Sleeping so peacefully... without a care in the world ."
She sat near the figure and ran her finger lovingly on the sleeping person's cheek . Then feeling sleepy herself she lowered her head on the shoulder and fell asleep . She then woke after her brief nap , finding herself on her Ash's back as Ash carried her all the way to their home .
Ash asked her ," How are you feeling , Isabella ? I hope you had a good sleep?" Isabella only shook and placed her head on Ash's shoulder . As the cold breeze blew , Isabella shivered slightly , feeling that Ash tightened the grip on her and said ," Hold on tight , we're getting near ."
As they neared their destination , they could see their parents near the door, waiting for them to come . When they reached at the door, their parents released a relived sigh as they saw that both the children were unharmed and had safely returned .
The blonde-haired couple took Isabella ,from Ash , then went inside their house. The other couple standing there only looked calmly at their only child. They could see that their child was tired and exhausted for the better part. The mother , who is currently carrying her second child , bend down and kissed the child on the forehead and said , " Welcome home , Ash ." Then the father scooped up his child in his arms and the whole family went towards their own home.
The mother tucked her child in the bed, kissed on the forehead again and then left to join her husband, who was watching from the door. They both were looking over the child, as the child slept peaceful. The mother said , " Ash's birthday is coming up fast. Soon it'll be the day when our precious child will get the symbol of the power....I'm scared Jared ....will they accept Ash ? .... what if they .... they refus..." The husband shushed his wife and just smiled at her. She could see the love and confidence in his eyes as he said , " Don't worry ..... they just won't refuse."
It was during the time when Amelia was pregnant with Ash , they went to see the magician doctor of their area. He concluded that the child had male character. But Ash was born , despite having male character, as a girl. Both the couple and the doctor were astonished when they saw that. They never ever had heard about a child being born with different character as their gender. But still there were few anomalies present, one being Ash. (An : Now there are a few children being born like that. But remember only a few. Pls don't go cursing me in your mind.Even if ya do i don't care. ummm..... ignore my ramblings. )
In the blink of an eye Ash's birthday came. The couple did everything as they prepared for the upcoming birthday and the power ceremony. Even though the mother was troubled but she endured it with courage. They invited an administrator , whose job is to measure the power granted to the children , with many of their friends and family. Many of these people were waiting for this particular day. , apparently the father was a very well-known person of the town .
The ceremony goes like this . At first they check the child for their powers , then advise the parents for paths and ways they may progress from there. The admin then contacts the various academies for the further training and studies , as per the wishes of the child and parents . After the ceremony is done in the morning, they usually kept a party in the evening in the celebration of both the ceremony and the birthday of the child .
At last , the most awaited day came . In the morning ,  Ash was woken up by her mother , "Ash , come on wake up dear , it's time ." Ash sat up in her bed and groggily replied ,"Mom , Good morning to you too ." Amelia sat on her bedside and waited for her child to shake off the remnants of her sleep . She then hugged her daughter and wished her happy birthday . Ash was smiling when her mother released her from the hug. She went downstairs and sat at the table for her breakfast . Her father came out of his room and hugged his daughter wishing her a Happy Birthday . After eating , her Mother urged her to change her clothes to the one they had made for her to wear in her ceremony .
Ash was dressed in a very simple manner . No dresses was worn on her part , but what she wore was considered odd by all people . A suit made for a child , the code which was normally worn by the males of the world . Surprisingly , the people present there were not irked by the sight , as they all knew that the child never worn a single dress in all her life . Ash was almost nervous for the upcoming ceremony , but she endured as she saw her father smile at her reassuringly .
Then finally the administrator came . He first greeted her parents , then also wished a happy birthday to Ash. He introduced himself as Alfred . After making a small talk , he turned towards Ash .
The administrator said , " Ash , now put your hand on this crystal ball ." and produced the said item from his storage pocket . He then placed the crystal ball at the near by table , as Ash came forward to put her hands on it . Now , the administer told the parents about the various situations that Ash could face , " As you people know , that there are 4 sects , from which one will manifest in the crystal . That will be her main power and then  if  possible there may a secondary power too which may manifest itself afterwards in it  . Main powers will be : swords , archery , medicine , magic . Secondary may be from one of these or may be any other power but it will be lower than the main power . But there are cases where a child gets three powers , but sadly they are not too many , only a few cases . "
Jared interrupting the man said , " But as you know that when Ash was born the Doctor had said that the child would born with male character . So what do you think ..... will that somehow affect the powers or anything of that sort ?" And the administrator paused then replied , "Hmm ... that should not affect the child that much . It's like this male character most probably move towards offensive sects like swords  with main and archery may be in secondary .You get what I'm speaking about . Basically what differs between male and female is only one particular job and position . That's the only thing which is differentiated , both can be good at swordsplay and magic. The job which is separated by these character is the position of the head of the sword masters.  And also the position of the head priestess goes with the female character."
Jared then went silent for a while then asked Alfred , " Ash may not be able to go for magic priestess but can go for the sword masters." He then turned towards his wife , and said , " It may be a good thing for Ash , what do you say Amelia ? We know that from her birth she has never shown us any inkling towards anything girly.." with snicker.
His wife slapped his arm in a playful manner as her worries were finally calmed down and said, " Now now don't you tease your child , even though it's true" and a whine could be heard from behind the parents as they embarrass their only kid. But continuing the talk , Jared said to Alfred, " So it may not do any harm to her.....okay that's acceptable." with a sigh he continued, " Our Ash is safe Amelia ....our Ash is safe."
Alfred, seeing this scene made a sigh in his mind, turned towards the said child and said to her," Go on kid put your hands on it ." Ash then shook her head in affirmation and laid her hands on the crystal ball . Both the parents held their breath in anticipation and lo-n-behold the most outrageous thing happened.
As soon as Ash had contact with the ball , it shook and emitted a strange light and the aftermath of it was pretty amazing (an: i think so too im an idiot.) The symbol which were showing themselves on Ash were first sword and magic both. Both the symbols got merged somehow. And the color of it was a shining red sword and a pulsing black magic .Even the Administrator was stunned, for he also had seen nothing like this before .
"I think this is the first time ...umm, I've seen something like this . Looks like this needs some research to go with it." Scratching his head, Alfred said to couple . Both of them looked towards their child and then at each other , for they now feared the unseen not their child but for their child . While the adults were talking, Ash was still staring at the mark. , suddenly it added one more mark which looked like barbed wire around the sword which stung at her skin , drew some blood then faded in the background. One could not see if not seen under specific circumstances. All this happened in a few quick seconds, which didn't garner any attention other than the bearer's.
Alfred then debated with the parents to give him a few days to conduct some research on this and would get back to them. He told them this much that Ash was gifted in sword that was clear and other symbols he will read then contact them again. He then congratulated the child and couple and left the family alone.
Suddenly a yell for the father broke his train of thoughts and turned to face Ash who raised her hand and showed the mark to her father. Jared saw that the mark got faded to just a red sword. Jared looked at Amelia , then said " I think we should just say that Ash got sword abilities and leave it at that. How bout it ?"
In some semi dark room , (an : far far away from the civilization n im kidding) not that far away from the family , sat a figure whose silhouette could be seen on the floor made by the lamp. Sounds of slammed door were heard then suddenly the door to the room opened showing a young girl who said , " We got news regarding them. Got the confirmation. You were correct...We found them." The figure didn't even move just uttered some words with a smile ( an : make that a yandere type smile creepy looking eyes n all ).
"Finally. Found you~"

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