I'm fine, Wilbur

866 19 25

Tommy pov

I quickly shoved myself in bed and under the covers, patiently waiting for Wilbur to walk in through the door. I got into a comfortable position and slowly let myself sink into the bed.

After a few minutes I heard turning on the door knob..

Wilbur pov

I had finally finished class and was on the way to my dorm. I of course have been thinking about Tommy since I haven't been seeing him even on the rest of the break's that we would usually sit together on.

I got to my dorm and started to insert my key into the door, then opening it. What awaited me inside was pretty shocking, Tommy was there, sleeping? It seemed so. I wanted to ask so many question's..
Are you okay?
Why are you here?
Are you sick?
Do you need medicine?
Do you wanna talk about something?
But I just let it go for now and let him..

I laid my backpack against my bed and went towards our small kitchen. I got myself an apple and went back to my bed. I laid down and pulled out my laptop and chatted a bit with a few of my friends before changing the tab and checking out what my homework was.

After I started doing my homework, it took over my mind again. Maybe Toby knows if Tommy's alright, he's his best friend after all.
So just like that, I saw that he's online and so i dm'ed him.

Hey Toby, yk whats up with Tommy today?

Bee boy🐝🎄
Hey Wil, yeah he's a bit.. sick?

Well is he alright? I just walked into my dorm and there he is just sleeping

Bee boy🐝🎄
Well tbh with u, i did meet him in the bathroom around like 7-8 AM. I was finishing up and he ran into the stall next to me to throw up :((

To throw up?  Are u fr? Is he alright did you go to a nurse with him??

Bee boy🐝🎄
Yeah i did actually but she asked me to leave as soon as i got there

Oh k, thanks Toby ig ill have to talk with him later

Bee boy🐝🎄
Yeah but wil make sure to take it slow, i noticed that Tom has been having... problems..

Alr ill take it slow, talk to u later

Bee boy🐝🎄
Alr see u

Problems? What kind of problem's could the funny, happy Tommy have? I think there's a lot that I don't know but should know.

After talking with Toby, I couldn't stop worrying for Tommy. Does he have a bad past? Is he having eating problem's? Does he have a mental illness? What. Is. Wrong?
I decided to distract myself as much as I can with listening to some music and continue doing my homework.

Tommy pov

I have been laying there for about 40 minutes. I wanted to get up, I wanted to talk with Wilbur about his day and get a few laughs out of him. But i couldn't, I knew, that as soon i stand up he's gonna come up to me and ask me all these questions. I knew, that it would all end in me having a breakdown. Knowing that, terrified me, what's Wilbur gonna think of me? I'm in college and im crying about my own problems. I needed to man up, others have worse problem's than me and don't cry, they stand strong against them and keep living.

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