Chapter 2

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After taking some time to cool down and a steaming cup of tea, my mind felt a bit rejuvenated. The crying jag in the secluded corner of the park worked wonders for my brain.

I glanced at the order in my hands.

The Assistant Commissioner himself had signed it.
Who the fuck did he think he was to judge me so harshly?

Rajiv Naidu was a star and hotshot in the city. He was the youngest Assistant Commissioner we've ever had. He was only 30.

I let out a snort. He must've used his Daddy's influence and money to get his post. It was no secret that the MP Rama Rao Naidu was his father.

Bloody nepotism at its finest!

I decided to kickstart my two wheeler and shot off to give this asshat a piece of my mind.

After all, I was no longer employed by the government and Mr. Goody Two Shoes decided he could sign off on my termination order based on a simple flimsy excuse!

He wasn't going to know what hit him!

I parked my bike just outside his office building. Flocks of reporters and people were milling about as usual. A mini protest was happening outside the building, something about a land dispute.

I paid the people no heed as I stalked towards the main office. It would take a miracle to meet the Assistant Commissioner, but I knew that I would somehow find a way.

His PA looked annoyed as she dealt with the huge line in front of her desk. I guess I wasn't the only one who had a bone to pick with the Assistant Commissioner.

The direct route wasn't going to be of much use.

I stood near the wall, eyeing the closed room as I casually fiddled with my phone. The guards were constables like me or like I used to be. Luckily, I was still in uniform.

An idea formed in my mind, and I rushed to gather a few supplies.

Holding a sealed envelope in my hand, I casually slipped through the barrier, holding my chin up high like I belonged there. It was amazing the amount of shit one could get away with by mere confidence.

"The Commissioner has asked me to deliver this order to the Assistant Commissioner," I stated to the two burly men before me.

One quirked a brow at me while the other huffed.

"Hand it over to me and I'll give it to him personally," the skeptical one said.

I held the envelope out of his reach.

"The Commissioner asked me to hand it over personally to him. It holds confidential information. Why do you think he asked a completely random constable to send this over?" I argued.

The grumpy one looked unimpressed, while the skeptical one eyed me well, skeptically.

I stared them both down and they finally gave in.

They pushed open the door and entered the wood paneled comfy office of Rajiv Naidu.

The man in question looked up as soon as I entered. It was so unfair that crappy people looked so awfully hot. Curse the Gods above!

"This constable claims she has a message-"

I cut off the guy by saying what I came here to do.

"You ruined my life, you fucking bastard!" I screeched throwing the envelope at the dude.

Rajiv fumbled with the envelope while I was quickly manhandled by the guards and put into cuffs.

If he thought he could fire me based on a rumor, then he had another thing coming.

"Sir, let me check the envelope," the grumpy guard rushed forward to pluck it from his grasp.

"Hold on a moment, Sethu. You are Constable Raina, aren't you?" Rajiv asked, sounding way too calm given the circumstance.

"Yes," I bit out.

The other guard holding me shook me for my harsh response.

"Fuck off," I gritted out at the idiot, elbowing him.

"She's a little spitfire, isn't she?" Rajiv sounded amused.

I was not amusing! I was not here for his entertainment!

"Let her go, John. I believe I have offended her and an explanation is required," he said, signaling to him to bring me forward.

"Sir, she's clearly violent. It isn't safe for you-"

" I can handle her, John," Rajiv interrupted.

Johnny boy must really dislike being interrupted all the damn time I thought with a grin as he let me out of my handcuffs. He shot me a warning glare before moving away.

Once both the guards moved out, Rajiv beckoned me forward.

"Please have a seat, Ms. Raina. I really hoped we could've met under better circumstances but I must say, this was an interesting introduction," he said with a smile.

Fucking pearly whites were lowering my defenses and my ire.
Damn him!

"I don't understand, Sir," was all I was capable of saying.

Rajiv spread his hands out in front of him. Body language played a major role in understanding a person's motives. Rajiv's was pretty damn honest so far.

"I understand you had quite a shock this morning."

"Understatement," my mutter seemed to amuse him even further.

"But if we fired people for not working, we would be insanely understaffed," he explained.

Well, duh!

"I'm sorry if my subterfuge caused you much distress but I was assured by your superior that you would be right for the job I had in mind," he explained.

What the?

"A job?" I popped up from my slouched posture.

Rajiv smirked at my enthusiasm.

The day suddenly got a whole lot more exciting!

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