Supergirl X Male!Reader

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So today, you were walking down the streets in Metropolis with your friend, Jake (Me! We're in this together mofo!) and we're talking about the recent game that came out (Halo, CoD, Battlefield, Etc).

"I don't know man, I just don't the time where I'll actually use that weapon at any point."

"Yeah yeah yeah Jake, but still, it's a pretty cool design."

"I mean yeah, but I rather have a fugly lookin' thing that does something over a good looki-" BOOM! In the distance there was smoke rising and the sounds of screams.

"DUDE! C'mon, lets go!"

You and Jake ran down the street to the ever climbing smoke and saw an apartment building on fire.

"Dude where's the fire department!?"

"I don't know but if we wait on them a lot of people are going to die! Let's go!" You two raced in there and covers your mouths. You both ran frantically and split up. Jake had found a child hiding in a closet.

"C'mere. I'll get you out!" He picked up the child and carried him out. Jake walked through the hall. The ceiling collapsed and dropped a banister down in front of him. He had to go through the adjacent room and through the hole in the wall. Jake had found the emergency stairs on the out side of the building and climbed down. They went around the ally and to the front and found the fire department. He had let the child go to his mom.

"Thank you so much! I thought I would lose my baby!"

"No problem. Know all I- wait... (Y/N)!?" Jake looked around for you but couldn't see you, where is that idiot?

Your response was the explosion of a gas stove on the fourth floor. Didn't (Y/N) go up to the fourth floor?


You had split up from Jake and went up to the fourth floor, you couldn't find anyone. Until you where whacked upside the head. You rolled with the blow and turned to see who it was. It was some druggie with a homemade flamethrower? Ah shit.

"Ain't it beautiful? All the golden flames to was over all the impurities. Including you."

He had raised his flamethrower up towards you and let loose a spray of golden fire. You roll out of the way and grabbed a metal sheet. Don't know where this came from but you ain't complaining. You raised it and directed the fire you the side, that happens to be a gas stove... That's on. Really? The stove blew up the other half of the floor and the third. Man hopefully no one was under there. You stole a glance up and saw that the guy was trying to stand up so you rushed him. He tried to spray you again but it jammed. Perfect.

You rammed you both through the window and landed on a car. You, of course used him as a cushion and rolled off.

"(Y/n)! You idiot! You okay?" "Yeah."

You got up with the help of Jake and saw the pyro druggie trying to use the flamethrower.

"S-stay back!" He grabbed the kid that Jake saved and gales a knife up to his throat.

"I'LL KILL HIM! I SWEAR!" Befor he could do any more some one knocked him unconscious; Supergirl.

"Hey-(Y/n), was it? You okay?"

"Y-y-yeah I-I'm fine." Supergirl couldn't help but smile at you, causing you to blush even more.

"Well, I appreciate what you two did, especially you (Y/n)." she added your name in a suggestive manner with a wink.

"Well it was nothing I Ju-" you where silenced by a pair of soft lips and warm hands on your check.

"It's okay, don't worry. I'll see you around okay?" She winked and flew off.

"Dude... score."

"Shut up Jacob."

"You know I don't like to be called Jacob!"


A/N: it's not exactly what I wanted but it's something. I'll probably make another one in a few.

Take it easy guys.

Male!Reader X Fem!Heroes/Villains (Marvel/DC)Where stories live. Discover now