update on the fight crap

12 1 0

So bitch boy fucked up again yk he elbowed one of my friends in the lip on purpose, started fucking with another one of my friends and overall his existence causes him to be a bitch. I mean all day we've just been making fat jokes about him. Some include; "when Japan gets a tsunami, it's not natural causes, it's just bitch boy over there Falling outta bed" "yk why people are scared of him? Because if you get too close you'll be sucked into all those rolls of fat" "some people say that an asteroid killed the dinosaurs. Nah that was just Harvey falling over a tree branch" "he is so morbidly obese that when he went to get his yearly physical done the doctor took his blood and the results concluded that he had a high blood pressure, onset type two diabetes, hypertension and the possibility of heart disease he also suffers from severe depression because he lacks confidence in his physical appearance which enables him to consume even more food making him more obese not to mention but he is becoming so monstrous that he had a hard time fitting through small spaces and exceeding weight limits on practical applications he has an endless cycle of malicious eating habits that only make his health worsen over time"
We also want to break his arm the next time he does anything :D

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