Welcome To The World Little Novas (4 months Later)

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                                                               -Viren POV-

I let out a sigh as I looked down at my swollen stomach. the baby kicks always keeping me awake at night. today Aaravos is going to do a scan to see how many we are having. I laid down on the bed, my shirt pulled up as Aaravos chanted a incantation. he finished as his eyes glowed he looked at me and smiled "we are having twins." he said I just stared at him in shock and disbelief then slowly smiled at him then said "No kisses for a month." Aaravos looked at me with a look of fake betrayal and shock, he begin begging, "Viren Please! I didn't mean for this to happen! I will get you carts of jelly tarts please!" I chuckled and said "you are such a dork, alright alright I forgive you no kisses for 4 month." Aaravos huffed and then smirked "2 weeks?" I replied with "don't push it." when we arrived at the castle,  I went and sat on the bed in our room when I felt a trickle of something wet run down my leg. "AARAVOS!!!!!" I yelled, he ran into the room and saw what was going on his eyes widened. he laid me down on the bed and propped the upper half of my body up I did as he said as he pulled down my pants and waited for me to be dilated as soon as I was he told me to start pushing and I did I pushed and screamed in pain as I pushed I knew a little baby had emerged and Aaravos guided the baby out. "It is a girl!" He said and told me to keep pushing he cleaned the baby and swaddled her. he guided the next baby out and did the same. soon enough, I was holding twins, a human girl and a human boy, well half human I saw they had tiny pointed elf ears. we named the girl Kaya and the boy Raion. after feeding them, I rocked them to sleep and place them into their crib where they snuggled up to each other as they slept.I showered and changed then got into bed with Aaravos and cuddled him Claudia walked in and got in between me and Aaravos. Soren came in and did the same and we snuggled together as one big happy family to sleep.

Welcome to the world little stars....


 (yes I may do a sequel )

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