'G' Pov

   I groaned as I woke up, what the fuck happened? I sat up, my head fucking pounding as I did so and looked around. Thankfully I seemed to be in my room, even though it looked trashed. I saw a glass of water and pain killers on my bedside table and took them before getting up to shower and change. Once I was changed I left my room to smell someone cooking breakfast.

Maybe the others stayed the night? Last thing I remember was taking a drink of my alcohol... Fuck somebody spiked it. I blame Mike, he's the most likely to do it. I shook my head and headed for the kitchen only... Mike, Ryan and John were passed out in the living room. If their asleep then who the fuck is in my kitchen?

I frowned and carefully made my way into the kitchen only to freeze as I saw the Captain cooking in my kitchen, in uniform. I stared at him blankly, what the hell did we do while drunk? Unfortunately, or maybe not, he noticed me pretty quickly. "You up now?" I slowly nodded, still trying to figure out what happened.

"Good, now sit down while I finish cooking" he then motioned for me to sit which I did out of habit. What in the world did we do?! "Once the other boys wake up we all need to have a chat, but for now have this" I was then handed some coffee, I hate coffee. I drank it anyways, not wanting to piss off the captain. Especially since he's the reason I got my magic license so quickly.

It didn't take long for the others to stagger into the kitchen, freeze and sit down with me once they were told to. We all sat in silence, drinking the coffee Captain gave us as he cooked our food, glancing to each other in nervousness. It felt like hours as we waited for the Captain to speak once he put our food infront of us.

"You guys are adults, so I would assume you would know your limits. So imagine my surprise when I get called to an apartment to break up a part only to find that it's you 4 at the so called 'Party'. All drunk beyond your reasonable limits. So you better start talking or I'm bringing you all to the station." We all winced, we did not wanna be brought in. Hell I just had my record cleaned! The Captain just raised an eyebrow, "Well?"

We all glanced at each other but nobody was talking.... Guess it's up to me then.... "I finally found a Job about a week ago and wanted to have a little get together with the 4 of us. We had pizza and there was alcohol involved. Last thing I remember is taking a drink of mine and it tasking off." He eye'd us all, as if to see if any of us were lying. "Alright, your free. Now you three." The Captain then turned to the others. Oh boy, here we go.

"I will count to three, and you all better fess up on who spiked G's drink. I know, you know and the whole police force knows that G hates even getting tipsy. Now who was it?" The Captain didn't even get to say '1' before Mike fessed up it was him. What lovely friends I have. "Right, well your lucky I was the one called and not somebody else. You are all gonna get disciplined once you arrive to work on Monday." With that the Captain left.

We were all silent for about 10 minutes after the Captain left, probably all asking ourselves the same question, 'how are we not in the station?' I wasn't sure why we weren't brought to the station but I was thankful for it. I wanted to keep my clean record thank you very much. That's probably the last time I ever leave my drink unintended though.

"I cannot believe Captain Chris didn't bring us to the station." "Yeah, Especially since you spiked my drink, Mike." I gave Mike a look and he shrugged, "I wanted to see you drunk." "Dude I literally can't remember a single thing after I drank my spiked drink." Mike looked away and Ryan sighed, "Sorry for not stopping Mike, G." "It's fine Ryan, but next time your playing babysitter" John snorted a bit causing me to jab him in the side which made him yelp.

"What was that for?!" "Snickering at Ryan's expense." "How come Ryan's the favourite?!" "I don't have a favourite, dumbass." John pouted as I sighed and put the dishes by the sink. "Unless you guys wanna help clean then you may wanna leave" I snorted as I watched them all head for the door. I love my friends don't get me wrong, but they hate cleaning with a passion.

Once they all left I got to work. First I did the dishes and cleaned up the kitchen which thankfully was mostly clean already. Then I got to work cleaning the livingroom which was a pigsty. I was cleaning up garbage, wiping up messes and looking up how to get rid of alcohol stains. Finally after that was my room, which wasn't as bad as I feared. I picked up the garbage and put things back where they were ment to go.

Once I done it was like noon so I quickly made myself something to eat. After that I did the dishes, again, and checked my phone for any notifications only to see a message from an unknown number. What is it with people I don't know messaging me? At least it seems to only be one number this time and not a group chat...

Unknown: Hello, is this G Sans Serif?

G: Uh yeah, who is this?

I frown at my phone, who was this person and what did they want? The didn't immediately see my text so I put my phone down and let out a sigh. Why does stuff like this only happen to me?

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