the island's actvities

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The drive to Tristan's house was 10 minutes or so. He occasionally stole glances at her, and Eloise just closed her eyes. Eloise wasn't sad, nor happy, she didn't know what she was feeling but this revolting feeling of love hit her softly, trying to nudge it's way into her mind, but she repressed it and opened her eyes to see Tristan looking at her with a smile, "You tired, Irvine."

"Slightly but not to an overwhelming extent." she replied, flipping her hair off her shoulder then looking out the window, but to her surprise, they were already parked into his driveway. Eloise opened her door and Tristan grabbed her forgotten water bottle and got out. They both walked to his door where he put in a code and entered. Tristan's house was never dull, he always had something going on, and it looked like he took interest in painting considering the paint smudges on the floor that didn't seem too old. 

"You've taken delight in painting, huh?" Eloise said, trying to follow the trail of paint to a closed door where Tristan quickly averted her from, "It's not done yet, Irvine, and yes, I have. I'd say I'm past Picasso's level." He had this cocky grin on his face.

All Eloise did was look at him on the verge of laughing and Tristan matched the expression until they both burst out laughing at the faces both were making at each other.

Tristan suddenly started walking towards the kitchen, and Eloise scrambled to follow. "Whoa, I thought we were studying first, and we also have to write that essay for global." Eloise insisted with some urgency in her voice. Tristan stopped in front of his island and turned to her with a big smile on his face, "I lied, I wanna bake first." 

Eloise looked at him in awe and lifted herself to be sitting on the island, "You know, I hate you." Tristan turned towards the fridge and pulled out the milk and eggs, along with some confetti cake batter from the pantry, saying with confidence, "Ah, you know you love the way I am." Eloise rolled her eyes and watched as Tristan got closer to her, setting down the materials needed next to her exposed thigh, her skirt creeping her upper leg. Tristan then averted his eye contact from her thigh to her face and smiled, saying, "You get the measuring stuff, and I pour whatever you measure in, and then we take turns mixing." Eloise laughed and said, almost tearing up from how much she was laughing, "You sound like a little kid again. Like when we used to do this, except you cried when I said I wanted to pour." Tristan laughed as he watched her hop off of the counter, watching her confident swaying of hips and her slightly rolled up skirt, and then at her disheveled hair, with random curls bunched in some places. 

Eloise stood beside Tristan and said, "So pour in the cake batter." Tristan did as told and then looked back into Eloise's beautiful brown eyes and her luscious tan skin, and her bunched her that gave him some nostalgia of when they were young.

Eloise started to pour the milk in, and looked at Tristan as he stared her down and before she could remark with a fresh comment, Tristan blurted out, "I don't think I've ever seen someone look so pretty when they are baking but you." This took Eloise by surprise, causing her face to flush and her gaze to look amazed at his. 

"Are you surprised?" Tristan questioned, resting his chin on Eloise's shoulder, as her back was turned to his front. Eloise cracked on egg and replied, "No..., I'm just really focused on this baking and it got really hot in here."

Tristan backed up and ran to the other side of the island, saying and flexing his body, "It's because I'm in here, no need to call the fire department over it." Eloise laughed and replied, "It's actually me, but I just didn't want to say anything, like I didn't want to hurt your feelings." Tristan slid back to his spot next to her and mixed the cake. Eloise hopped back on the counter and Tristan looked at her revealed thigh again, then away, then at her face and stopped mixing, enclosing the space between him and her. 

"Your hair is a bit messed up on that side. May I?" he said, moving close to her, sliding himself between the space of her hanging legs, and motioning to the side that was "messed up". Eloise nodded, her face turned from his and a bit red. He finished and let his hand slide from that side of her head to her chin, turning her face towards his. Their faces were close, inches away really, and Tristan's breath started to speed up, he felt his heart doing backflips in his chest, and Eloise felt her lips slightly pucker and her breathing speed up.

Tristan's eyes looked at her lips and let out a small smirk, and Eloise felt him lean into her closer. 

Tristan wanted to kiss her, but would she feel the same for him? Tristan would do anything for Eloise but was scared if she didn't feel that way for him, it would somehow break him down. He leaned closer, his head slightly tilting, until a long and loud doorbell rang. 

The two jumped back from each other, and Tristan huffed at the interruption. He stomped to the door, Eloise following behind him, her face still red after what just happened before, and Tristan opened the door with aggrevation. 

"Pizza delivery for Mr. Dugray.", a short guy with a freckled face said. Tristan patted down his pockets, and then looked down and at Eloise, "El, I can't find my wallet."

"I can pay for it."

"No, I ordered it for us, I'll pay." Tristan whined, scanning his entrance for any indication of such.

Right as he spotted his wallet, on the floor next to his shoes, Eloise already handed the guy a twenty, telling him to keep the change. 

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