The legend of Gearfried

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Then we start with Parents of Gearfried and Siegfried. When Gearfried was born he was born sick. He was not going to live long. So the parents took him to the shrine of the Goddess of Destruction also known as Kali.

They entered the shrine.

Then the whole room shook.

Kali:Who dares to disturbed my slumber?!

Father:Oh Great Goddess Kali. My second born is sick. Please I beg you to heal him.

Kali:*Looks at the mother who is holding Gearfried*

Seigfried<Kid>:*Whispers* Who is that mother?

Mother:Son that is the Goddess of Destruction. We hope she heals your brother.

Kali:Very well, but he will also have some of my power. He will be a demi human. Do you accept?

Father:*Looks at his wife.*

Mother:*Looks at the her son and then looks at him and shakes her head yes.*

Father:We accept. So please heal are son.

Kali:*Then takes the baby and then transfers her powers to the baby.*

A few minutes later.

Kali:It is done. He will be stronger and faster. Just remember if he ever holds a weapon that weapon can literally destroy anything. Now leave mortals.

We go to five years later.

Siegfried<10>:Ok brother I want you to use this wooden sword and hit that dummy.


Then Gearfried picks up the wooden sword.

Then Gearfried picks up the wooden sword

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Gearfried swings the sword. The next thing that happened was that dummy was instantly goes flying and a few trees behind it were sent flying from a really big shockwave. It caused a lot of noises.

Father:*Runs out.* What happened? Are you boys ok?

Gearfried:*Crying because what happened.*

Siegfried:All he did was swing a wooden sword at a training dummy. Then the dummy was destroyed and a few trees.

Gearfried:I am so sorry father.

Father:It is alright son. *Hugs him.*


Siegfried and Gearfried are both adults now. Gearfried has trouble controlling his powers so he went on a journey. Siegfried ends up marrying a girl name Kriemhild. Which her brother Gunther was married to her sister-in-Law Brynhildr.

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