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Next day, I wake up with great headache.The feeling that I have now never really lived in this world which caught me, by surprise. I had never lived for myself . Even as a child, as far back as I could remember, I had done nothing but endure. I believed in myself and my own inherent goodness, humanity, and lived accordingly, never causing anyone harm. My devotion of doing things the right way had been unflagging, all my happiness had depended on it, and I would have gone on like that indefinitely. But I didn't understand why I was nothing to anyone. But In my own thoughts I didn't recognize a shadow standing near the door staring at me.

Still I feel as if this is all a bad dream and I will wake up from this never ending horror story.

Others POV

Jeon Jungkook, the devil himself walking closer to her with no expressions on his face. He noticed her making her head down not watching him anymore.He come more closer to her  and sit beside her on bed. Little shaken she moved back a bit on bed.

She again look at him with hateful stares showing hatred and taking him as culprit of snatching her life , her family and freedom.

Jungkook: How are you feeling now princess?

Y/n: I don't want to reply but if I'll not he will get angry again(Thinking)

Y/n: FINE(Sterned)

Jungkook: (Scoffed) Attitude...hnn.. nice.. I like it.. It suits you baby girl..

Acually I ike your wildness more than a scaredy cat (getting closed near her face)

Y/n: You disgust me..

Jungkook: I'm hard to handle, but even harder to let go of – consider yourself warned princess.

After pulling that stunt of running from here, you should be thankful you weren't punished

Y/n: And what about seperation from my family?? hmmm??that is not considered as punishment for you.

you destroyed my life you bas*****

Jungkook: Destroyed?? wrong choice of word babe ..I helped you in telling the truth of your life so that you dont need to make your self suffer because of those pathetic bastards.

Y/n: Leave me alone.. I dont want to see your face..

Jungkook: tsk..tsk.. tsk..This is not going to happen baby girl.

Y/n: I am talking to him rudely. Why is he still not getting aggressive like before? (Thinking)

Jungkook: I know what are you thinking , I'll give you time to accept me. So for now, get ready and come downstairs we'll have breakfast together.

Y/n: I am not hungry..(Stomach growled)

Jungkook: Really(Smirked and raised eyebrow)

Come downstairs princess....

Y/n: Why the hell I am getting embarrassed and weak in front of him? I hate him and will forever..

Jungkook POV

I entered her room and saw her in deep thoughts , tears flowing down on her face and the pain in her eyes hurt me.

She already suffered in past because of her fake family who just used her for their mean. Even they sold her easily not even trying to get her away from us. They easily chosen money over her. So how can I left her there when I loved her with my life.

I give a thought about giving her some time to accept me with my own real personality. I know its hard for her to accept me but she has to do it as she has only me in her life and I have only her.

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