The Brighter the Light, The Darker the Shadow

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Where does the drive and desire to do good come from? I don't know.

For as long as Rika could remember, even if she could remember nothing else, she always wanted to be a hero.

I just want to make everyone happy, y'know? We only live once; life's too short to not have fun!

There was nothing she loved more than loving people, bringing smiles to faces and brightening days wherever she went. To be a light in other people's darkness, that was her light. She wanted to be more to the world than just another girl. And as she'd come to know, the darker the shadow, the brighter the light. It wasn't the content and confident who needed her, rather, those without.

It was also the most rewarding to see the meekest of souls become brave after knowing Rika for just a short while. It wasn't always intentional, but she had a knack for finding broken people and fixing them obsessively. The darker the shadow, the brighter the light. Maybe that was why she was so drawn to Tsubaki. Tsubaki was far more reluctant, not sharing in Rika's wild fantasies, but Rika was nothing if not persistent.

C'mon, Tsubaki! Let me help ya, let me save ya, let me show you how to really live! She took the other girl's hand as they raced through the forest. Tsubaki took a tumble, she was left covered in dirt and tears, but Rika smiled through the whole ordeal and held her hand all the way home.

"Just a bit longer, Tsubaki! Then I promise we'll be back to safety, and I'll patch you up myself!" She encouraged, greatly looking forward to it. She was looking forward to helping Tsubaki and showing her that there were people out there who... loved her.

Rika wasn't sure when it finally sank in, but after it hit, it hit like a brick. Love. Love. I think... I think I love her. Of all the friends Rika had seen come and go in her life, Tsubaki was the one she felt the most desperate to be there for. The darker the shadow, the brighter the light.

Suddenly, they were teenagers, Rika holding Tsubaki's hands again, eyes just as bright and wide as they were when they were kids.

"Tsubaki, I... I... I think I'm in love with you!" Rika was breathless and excited, hopeful, ready to explore this new side of her relationship with Tsubaki. To her, it was just another grand, glorious adventure, and Tsubaki was her ever-loyal, ever-present companion, just like all those times before. It was a cheesy, cliché romance story, but Rika was looking forw—

"Love me?"

Rika knew at once that something was wrong. The tone of Tsubaki's voice... She couldn't quite place it, but... Rika's stomach turned over.

"Y-yes, Tsubaki, love you. I love you. I've... never felt this way about anyone else before. You're more to me than just another girl!" Their hands and fingers were still intertwined. Even though Rika could hear her heart louder than her voice, there was still hope in her eyes.

Tsubaki's, though, were fading, growing distant and hazy, looking away from Rika's. "N-no, I... That— that can't be..." Tsubaki dropped Rika's hands.

"Tsubaki?" Rika was seconds away from grabbing them again, forcing Tsubaki to meet her eyes once more.

"No. Our red threads of fate are not meant to be tied."

Tsubaki didn't actually say that, but it was what Rika took from her. Maybe to her, everything was picture perfect, just like a movie, but Tsubaki was the cold, harsh reality to Rika's warm, fuzzy, sunny daydreams.

You think this torment is romantic? Well it's NOT! Except to you...

Rika was in disbelief. This wasn't how the story was supposed to go. She was supposed to save the princess, not lose her.

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