𝐂𝐲𝐫𝐮𝐬 & 𝐑𝐞𝐲𝐧𝐚

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The blood dripped from his armor like the scarlet sun melting in the ocean. Hearts poundinginside their chests like it's gonna make a break for it to reach each other in a sweet embrace.

 Breathing so hard that if you breathe any harder you might even smell the passion in thebreeze that might choke you.

 The darkness enveloped them, as the sun was just too shy to witness their reunion. 

The silver moonlight, with a wisp of silver speck, made an ethereal path guiding his unsteadyyet determined feet to her shifting nervous feet, that he thought were made from the softestflowers he could find in this mysterious world.

 The hymn of the ocean connected with the rhythm of the song their unrequited souls weresinging to each other.

 A sun crest embedded on his armor, glistening in the blood. An armor, all the soldiers usedto wear. After all, he was a soldier who fought many wars, went on many quests, and did hisduty well.

 When his gaze met hers, a thousand emotions passed between their eyes, glimpses of pastmoments, hopes of future made for themselves and countless others, which can't even bedeciphered by themselves. 

As he strode towards her, his eyes showing his reflection, his face splattered in blood, bothhis and the victims, his lips curved into a soft smile. Her heart couldn't help but flutter at thissight.

 She craned her neck to meet his gaze, as he stood directly in front of her. She wanted to hithim, kick him, hug him, kiss him but something restricted her. She froze. She did nothing asher eyes challenged him to speak, begged him to stay. 

He tucked a stray hair that fell in her eyes, behind her ear with his bloody hand, his eyescouldn't leave her so much so that if his vision left hers for even a second, she woulddissolve with nothing less. He took in all of her as if his entire life depended on her. It does.To him. It was.

 He sighed in relief, she was safe. That's what mattered at this moment. Her being safe, hewould gladly serve his soul on an imperial gold platter, if it meant keeping her away from anyharm.

 "You are safe," he whispered, his eyes boring into hers, swirling with relief and love.

 "And you are not," she spoke with a weak voice, her face painted with concern, "You arecovered in blood."

 "Not all mine," he gave her, his usual trouble-making smirk, "No one disrespects my Queen."

 She gave him a watery smile, "but you're still hurt. Because of me.""Nothing you could do can hurt me." 

he grabbed her shoulders firmly. "Nothing, you hear me?Nothing," he breathed.

 He gives her a gentle smile, his eyes welled with tears of love, "And nothing could hurt youever. Because I will be there with you, to shield you from all the evil, to fight beside you tillthe end of time." 

"I don't want you to die for me, Cyrus" she frowned at him. Him, a noble, righteous soul,sacrificing his life for hers? It was absurd. 

"Who said I am going to die for you? I am going to live, Reyna. We are going to live. And Iwill destroy everything that comes in our path." He raised his eyebrows, his eyes fierce yetgenuine, his voice echoing around her. "You may not be mine, but I will be yours even whenyour essence is not with me. Whatever it takes, when I take my last breath, I want to tasteyour name on my lips. My Queen's name."

 A tear slipped from her eyes. And he kissed her tears away. "Queens don't cry, Reyna" hecaressed her cheeks softly. 

"You may not be aware. But I'll be there. I'll protect you until you don't need my protectionanymore," he kissed her forehead, walking backward away from her, his eyes still refusing toleave hers.

 "Wherever you walk, not a single drop of your tear should be lost. Your footsteps will becovered by Cyrus' blood. A crystal of your tear is more worth than this crimson blood thatflows through my vein. Because.. you are my everything, My Reyna." with that he left,leaving her to grasp his last smile, which will be ingrained in her mind till forever falls apart.Leaving her with her thoughts of him and hopes of them. To yearn for him. 

"Farewell, Cyrus, My King"

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𝐂𝐫𝐲𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐥 𝐛𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐝 & 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐦𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐬Where stories live. Discover now