"Hello traveler"

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First there was silence; then a murmur, then it was ringing and suddenly the sound was deafening. But over the ear splitting screaming of gods know what came a voice. "Hello traveler" the voice continued but in their dazed state "traveler" couldn't make out what the abnormal voice was trying to say.

Suddenly this limitless void traveler felt all around them began to transform into the ground beneath  them. As they squinted their eyes open agains the bright light above. A lush green field with impossibility ripe crops all around filled their vision. For the first time, they felt the crispness of fresh air. Traveler stood up dusting their fur. For the first time the felt the earth under their feet. What a joyous life it will be for little traveler, right? They looked down at their feet and to their horror it was (possibly) the smallest bug you could ever imagine. And traveler, being the calm collected person they were bolted away from it.

Once traveler had made sure they were safe from that beast they found them self in the forest. The smell of pine danced around the trees as they creeped through the forest. Traveler had decided they didn't like the forest too much; too many sharp plants along the forest floor for their liking. Dispassionately for the cat, they weren't looking when they ran into the forest. (Honestly their own fault for getting lost but YK whatever)
Traveler spent the next hour picking up and inspecting any trinkets they find on their journey. Some of traveller's favourite's are a lavender plant, a witches house they found hanging on a branch, a few parts of a antique tea party set and a little picnic blanket. Once the cat was done stuffing these items in their bag they were hit with a new smell. Unlike the deep and strong pine smell that traveler had grown so used to, this was a light and sweet sent of freshly baked goods to wich traveler could not resist as they followed the heavenly smell.

Traveler found themselves at source of the smell. A little cottage. The traveler scrunched their face a little 'who would want to live in a nowhere-land like this?' Nevertheless they went up to the house and knocked on the door. It was then when traveler began to doubt themselves. 'What if its that bug again?' 'What if they don't like cats?' 'Maybe I should leave' True sound of a door handle turning snapped them out of their thought's. "Hello! How my I help you?" She was a little taller than traveler; a fully black cat. Robes draped over her making her look almost angelic; her face hat an unexpectedly kind face. "Ahhh hello im... im. Never mind I just smelled your baking and wanted to see what you were making and im sorryforbotheringyouIshouldlea" the taller cat laughed at traveler's nervous rambling "it's ok dear theirs plenty to go around. come inside it's almost night anyways" she moved herself motioning the smaller cat to come in. And for the first time, traveler smiled.

The inside of the house smelled even better then it did outside. The lady had made her way to the kitchen to checkout on her baked goods. Scanning around the room traveler could see various sets of vintage tea cup sets;traveler remembered the cups they had found and thought it would be a fitting way to repay the kind kitty. Just as traveler had set out the tea set a familiar back cat re-entered the room; this time with a tray of brownies in paws. "Oh?" She began "whats this?" Traveler turns and smiles at her "I saw your other sets and thought I would give you this for your troubles" she sat down and picked up one of the cups "wow...traveler, where did you find this?" Traveler, now confused that someone with so many tea sets could be interested with theirs "I found it laying around while I was wandering this forest" she did not answer as she squinted at the teacup; taking in the golden patterns that delicately twirled around the cup. a silence draped over the two, With nothing but the cracks of a fire place to accompany it. The sound of something being placed on a table broke this silence then it was followed with the back cat speaking up "huh.. now how did a tea cup from the meowtontops make it all the way down here, and looking at how it was made out of porcelain and not just standard clay; it's closer to a relic than anything. Thank you, traveler" her eyes softened at the smaller cat next to them. Traveler swallows the last of their brownie "oh no problem miss, there's nothing else in my bag that's of any value anyways... I mean except from a hat and some flowers" the back cat furrows her brows a little "don't you have any dabloons dear?" That was an unfamiliar word. Traveler paused was this something they were supposed to have? Did they miss something? "Awh you poor thing, here let me get you some" she left the room once more. Moon light now shone into the cottage as the sound of fire and rain on the window filled the air. Travelers lips formed a frown knowing they'll have to go back out in that. The door creaked as the black cat lays a pouch of dabloons in front of you. Traveler takes one of the golden dabloons from the bag, running it through their fingers and inspecting it just like how the black cat inspected traveler's tea cups. It was then that the black cat spoke up. "Are you sure that you don't want to stay the night dear? It's Nast out there and I would never forgive myself if I left you out in the cold." Traveler was stunned by her kindness. 'Is everyone as nice as this?' They thought before responding. "Yes if you don't mind. I truly can't thank you enough miss" her eyes softened at them as she extended a paw leading traveler to the guest room. The door creaked open revealing a cozy looking room lit by only a few candles scattered around the room. "I know it's not much, but it will do for the night." Traveler turned squeezed her paw before getting onto the bed; it was covered in a warm wolf blanket, that even in the harshest of temperatures was near impossible to get cold underneath. The black cad smiled once more "I'm Lilith by the way. Sweet dreams, traveler" and without another word she closed the door. What a joyous day.

Items received
+ 20 dabloons
+ 1 witches hat
+ 4 flowers

(Are you guys interested in me adding more to this and including things from the dabloon "lore" such as the government,revolutionary's,pirate's, mafias etc?)

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2022 ⏰

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