The Falling

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Veronica always wanted to fly. She always imagined herself to die by falling, as to expierience the magic of freely running through the air at least in her final moments. Noone told her how long it would take for her to finally die though.

She didn't know when exactly she started falling, or how, but she was definetly falling. For a long time. It was hard to determine for exactly how long due to there being no light. I mean there were some glowing objects that appeared from time to time but no concept of time could be determined from anything in this place. Wherever she was. Most people would probably be concerned if they randomly started falling in an unknown place and for unknown reasons and for an unknown amount of time, but not Veronica.

She didn't really know why she was not suprised by this fenomenon, she just wasn't. Maybe it was due to her repetetive tendencies for attarcting weird situations to her or rather simply the fact that she did not care for her life, but she was not concerned. When stuff like that happend she usually went back to normal reality in a few hours. The problem here, or rather the interesting thing there, was the fact that she didn't know for how long she was here. Wherever "here" was. But that's not important. She will come back home soon. She always does.

It's been a long time since she came here. Another interesting thing was that she didn't seem to get hungry in this world. Or tired for that matter. It was... unique. The one thing that always connected her "travels" was the fact that she sill expierienced biological needs. She still needed to drink, eat and sleep. But not here. It was... freeing in a way. If only there were other things to do here. The glowing objects started appearing much more frequently after a while. Or after what she perceived as a while. She wasn't quite sure what they were, but they seemed harmless to her. In a way they were a comfort in the endless darkness. They glowed a weird greenish colour and seemed to move past her at an incredibly fast rate in contrast to her. It struck her curiosity.

It seemed to been days. Or at least that what it felt like. The lights really started to appear almost every minute now. She was starting to get bored. Very bored. As such she decided to do the one thing she knew how to do. Make her time more interesting. After while she started to attempt to touch the lights. It was hard to navigate her body while falling but she was fairly certain she was close a few times but never managed to touch one. No matter how she wiggled and turned they always seemed to be just out of reach.

She waited and waited for them to be enough of them for her to manage to touch at least one. She might have waited for hours or days but there were mutitudes of them now. She was able to actually see her hands now. She reached out for the light and she managed to touch it. The moment her skin touched the lights she felt excruciating pain. She saw the light slowly coming under her skin and moving towards their face. Suddenly more lights appeared and more touched her skin. She felt like she was burning from the inside out. Every single inch touched by the lights was now glowing from inside out and spread. She was now unable to think straight she just wanted the pain to stop. She closed her eyes.. and it did.

She woke up. In her own bed. In her own house. No longer falling or glowing. She moved on in her life. Tried to act ike nothing happend, tried to forget. But that world was different from others. And she felt like it still was not done with her.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 25, 2022 ⏰

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