The Deal and First Day

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"What the hell are you doing here?!" Denki yelled at the team of mist genin sitting in chairs that hadn't been there before the USJ.

* (Flashback) *

Nezu's Office

"So Zabuza Momochi is All Might's child," Nezu more stated than asked.

"He was, he has denounced all connection with him and his family," Fugaki answered. It was only the two in the office.

"Why may I ask?"

"It is not my story to tell."

"Fair enough," Nezu sipped his tea, "I have an offer."


"We just need two other people." Just then the door opened and a partially healed Aizawa walked in. His face was partly bandaged up, his arm was in a sling, and he had a slight limp, other than that, he was fine.

"I figured you'd still be in the ER," Fugaki said.

"I would, if we didn't have a retired Suna nin as a doctor," Aizawa said, before bowing slightly, "It's an honor to be in the presence of one of the Seven Swordsmen." Fugaki nodded.

"Well that's one, now for the other one." Suddenly there was a knock on the door, and Aizawa opened it for what seemed to be a child with a scar under one eye.

"Lord Mizukage!" Fugaki exclaimed, getting up and kneeling in front of his leader. The Mizukage smiled.

"It's alright, Fugaki, raise your head." The leader of the Seven, got up and sat back down in his chair as the Mizukage sat in his own chair.

"It's an honor, Lord Mizukage," Aizawa said.

"The honor is all mine, hero." He turned to the principal.

"Mizukage Yagura Karatachi, welcome."

"I'll admit I was surprised when I was called here personally," Yagura said.

"Indeed," Nezu said, "I have an offer."

"Do tell."

"The hidden villages have done a wonderful job blending into society as of late. However, the Kirigakure has often stayed separate from hero society."

"For good reason," Fugaki butted in, "Our teachings would never be accepted by the public or heroes."

"Peace, Fugaki, " Yagura said, "however he is right. Our way of life isn't accepted by most outsiders."

"That's why I offer a compromise," Nezu said, "The Underground hero society is made almost completely out of Nin from the other four villages. Let some of your Nin work there, so they can continue with your way of life." Yagura mused over this idea, before looking at the rat in front of him.

"And what do you get out of this?" Nezu laughed.

"Why the ability to say my school were the ones to teach the first Kiri heroes." Yagura actually laughed.

"I'll accept for now. The team guarding your students will the test subjects. If I don't like how things go, we go back to the way things were, and you can find new bodyguards." Nezu clapped his hands.

"Excellent. Fugaki can stay as a assistant to Aizawa, and the team can join classes starting tomorrow." Yagura nodded before getting up and leaving, Fugaki following him, going to tell his students.

"You planned this from the beginning," Aizawa said, looking at Nezu, "That's why you hired from Kiri, even with the steep price." Nezu chuckled, giving him all the answer he needed.

* (Flashback End) *

"Isn't it obvious?" Kisame asked, "we're students here."

"Your nothing but murders," Iida said, "There is no way UA would allow you in." Zabuza ignored the rest of the conversation, and Izumi and Katsumi who were trying to talk to him, when he saw the purple haired girl from yesterday. Getting up, he walked over to her, and stood in front of her. The girl looked him straight in the eyes, no fear evident on her face. Zabuza smirked, not many her age could do that, he reached into his pocket.

"You forgot your kunai," he said pulling out the knife she had thrown into Shigaraki's leg.

"Thank you," she said, taking the blade, "I'm Kyoka Jiro."

"Zabuza Momochi." He then turned and went back to his seat, just as a fully healed Aizawa walked in.

"Hello students."

"Sir! I'm glad to see you've recovered well, but there must be some mistake. These three clearly aren't meant for hero work, why are they here?" Aizawa sighed, as Fugaki came in behind him.

"What a drag. Actually. They are legally heroes."

"WHAT!!!" Most of the class yelled, except for the Mist trio, Jiro, a blonde haired boy with a tail, and a few quiet looking students.

"Quiet! What I'm about to tell you is highly confidential. The top ten heroes are told when they reach their ranks, anyone else who knows is apart of that secret, has been affected, or is a need to know. This information is not to be shared with anyone outside of this room. Got that?" The students nodded, curious.

"There are five groups of people who are outside the law of Japan. They are lead by five leaders, all of whom serve the Prime Minister. These groups, known as the hidden villages, have been around since the feudal lord's. Anyway, these villages actually control many of the companies and organizations in Japan. The people of these villages are actually Shinobi. The government has granted them immunity from crimes as long as they work for Japan. One village, Kumo, was responsible for that political assassination last month. Some heroes are actually members of these villages." Grinning, he pulled out his leaf headband. "Including myself. Anyway, the village Fugaki and his students come from haven't had any pro heroes, so the principal made an agreement with the leader of their village to have them be the first ones."

"I will take any questions you may have," Fugaki said. Kaminari raised his hand.

"How do you join these villages?"

"Two ways," Fugaki said, "You are either born into the village, or you are brought in by a Nin from that village."

"Why have you stayed out of heroes for so long?" Izumi asked.

"Zabuza, please stand." The boy did so. "How did you become a genin?"

"In Kirigakure, for the final test at the academy, they pair a class of students against each other, to pass, you have to kill your opponent. I became a genin a year early, because I slaughtered all the students of that year during the exam." Many of the members of the class looked horrified at what he had done.

"That is why we have stayed away. Our way of life isn't what the world would like. Any other questions?"

"What are the five villages?" Tsuyu asked.

"There is Konoha, the closest and most powerful. Your teacher comes from there. Then there is us, Kirigakure. Then there is Kumo, Suna and, both Kiri and Konoha's main enemy, Iwa. There are also a handful of smaller villages."

"Why is Iwa your enemy? Don't you all work for the government?" Kirishima asked.

"We do, our hatred for each other goes back to our foundings. I guess the correct term these days is rival."

"If that's all," Aizawa said, "the sports festival is coming up. You shall be given the next two weeks to train for it. Maybe our new students could give you some tips." The evil gleam in Zabuza and Kisame's eyes frighten most of them away.

"That's all, you're free to go train."

Okay, so a little explanation of the hidden villages and how they work in this world. See if you can guess which heroes are Nin and where they are from.

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