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dear y/n,
it's bill here. It's been a whole week without you. God I miss you. I miss your laugh, your smile, your voice, I just miss you. Your the kindest person I've ever met. I love you so much y/n.
What you did for my family, we will never be able to repay you. Georgie is at home now, and he's safe. I wish you were here too. He always had a soft spot for you. Everyone else misses you too. Richie misses you like mad, he hasn't even made a joke in a week. I love you so fucking much y/n. your the sweetest, bravest, prettiest girl I've ever met.

lots of love,
your big bill.

dear y/n,
it's been a whole year without you. It's not the same. None of us have gotten over your death. We had a funeral for you, and we buried you right next to your father as you wanted. I visit your grave every day. I put a small flower there each day, a lilly your favorite. I miss you too much y/n. Georgie doesn't go a day without talking about you. He even drew a photo of you and stick it up on his wall. He admires you.
Your an amazing person y/n. I'll see you in heaven soon I promise.

Lots of love
Your big bill

dear y/n,
It's been 3 years since you passed. All of us losers miss you so much. Bev and Ben decided to date, you were right they really do have a soft spot for each other. we all miss you so much. Not a day goes by where I don't think about you. I try so hard to make you proud as I know your watching over me. I love you with all of my heart y/n. thank you so much for everything.

Lots of love,
Your Big Bill.

Dear y/n,
It's been 5 years. I miss you so fucking much. Everyone has graduated now.
You always said that you couldn't wait to graduate, and then we could start a real life. I love you. I can't believe you would be 18.
Richie and Eddie got together! It shocked us all but we all support them.
They're so happy. I remember once when you told me that you thought they would make a cute couple. I love you y/n.

Lots oflove
Your big Bill

dear y/n, it's been 7 years since you died. I can't remember how you died, which is weird. I moved out of Derry last year. I miss everyone but we're not in contact anymore. It's weird, I can't ever remember anything about Derry when anyone asks me. All I can remember is you. Your cute smile. I wish you were here. I wish we could've married and have children. I love you y/n.

Lots of love,
Your big Bill

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