ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 4 - ᴍʏ sᴛᴀᴛᴜs: ɪᴅᴋ *.✧

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"SO, STARLIGHT," Brianna leaned over her pearly white desk, matching white suit-covered elbow propped on the surface with their chin resting in their palms. The only thing that they could focus on was Brianna's new ballerina nails. Y/N could practically taste the sparkly, hot pink acrylics in their mouth. "Lately, you seem to have been more...withdrawn from your socials." she smacked her glossy lips. "Is there something big that you're cooking up in the kitchen? Tell me, what have you been up to so far?"

"Well, I binged all of Legally Blonde," that got a wave of chuckles from the audience.  "I've been going to photoshoots and stuff, and Apples of StarFair is going swimmingly in production,"

I also threw away a dozen empty tissue boxes, scrolled through all our old photos for five hours—or 300 minutes that I will never get back.  The binging all of Legally Blonde is a lie—I couldn't even get through Legally Blondes when they mentioned Great Britain, since that reminded me of Europe, and that reminded me of Spain, and then that all goes back to you.


Why can't my mind stop that?

"I also have a question that I am sure everyone is also dy-ing to know," Brianna made sure to put emphasis on each syllable.  "Was the last thing you posted on Snapstagram a potential teaser for a new single?"

The audience shrieked of positive chirpy noises, hooting and hollering at the mention.

"That is absolutely right," I nod up and down viciously like Zac's life depends on it.  "Only minus the fact that it's a single." I readjusted my posture to the front of the pink loveseat chair I'm on.  "Themes From A Daydream will include five songs.  Each of them will be a common style of daydream I typically am surrounded by."

"Might I ask while on the subject, how long does it take for you to write a song?"

"Eeeeh," I shrug—but in a way that is elegant.  "It depends.  The longest one took was nine months.  The shortest was thirty minutes while high on apple milk.  So far, we're touching up on the details and going through the tapes and stuff.  If I have to make an estimate, I'd say the album could possibly be released by next month."

I have lost any and all motivation to finish the last song of this dreamy album.

"Did everyone hear that?" Brianna exclaimed to the spectators.  "We're going to be blessed with another album of Y/N the Starlight for the third time this year!  It's like when you receive everything you have ever wanted on Christmas!  Glorious!"

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