~Dont let it happen again~

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    Sangwoo hovered over me staring down at me, he looked furious.

"So then tell me. Why did you leave the bed?"

"I had-"

"Did I give you permission to?" He asked cutting me off

I shook my head avoiding eye contact.

"Exactly so why did you get up?!"

"I thought I could-"

"Thought you could escape hm?!" he cut me off once more

"No- I just wanted some fresh air! I swear"

He let out a grunt before getting off of me telling me I was lucky he was too tired to punish me.

"I'm sorry, I won't leave you again okay?" I said holding his face


He pulled me in closer and kissed the top of my head as I shivered.

He fell asleep again and I tried to close my eyes and fall asleep too hoping to dream of something happy.

The next day I didn't wake up till noon, when I did wake up Sangwoo wasn't in bed anymore.

I tried to call out to him

"Yes love?!" I hate that he calls me that, it makes me miss home..

He walked into the room
"What is it?"

He walked in shirtless with just shorts and a little apron, his muscles made him 10x scarier than he was before.

"Uh- I need to use the bathroom..."

"Can you stand up on your own?"

I shook my head and he sighed picking me up and taking me to the bathroom. He helped me pull down my pants and underwear as he watched me

"Uh- could you- turn around please"

"It's nothing I haven't seen before"

"Yea but- I still feel uncomfortable.." he sighed leaving the bathroom. I used it and struggled to stand up to pull my pants back up. I held my self up with my hand on the wall as I made my way to the kitchen before passing out on the floor.

No one POV:
As Y/n struggled to make her way to the kitchen Sangwoo kept cooking not noticing her until she had collapsed on the ground and when he heard it he dropped everything and turned quickly to pick her up. He took her back to the bed and shook her a little "y/n?" He checked to see if she was breathing and panicked when she wasn't he moved her to the ground and started compressions on her chest.

"Son of a-" he started mouth to mouth and kept the compressions going, the panicking getting worse as he could get her pulse back, he started to regret keeping her in the basement for so long with absolutely nothing.

He checked one more time for a pulse and it came back. Sangwoo let out a sigh of relief as he put her back on the bed gently and sat beside her for a while pushing the hair out her face watching her and making sure her pulse stayed the same

Y/n POV:
I woke up again in bed Sangwoo beside me.
"What happened?"

"You passed out- don't let it happen again" he smacked me and got up off the bed making his way towards the door

"Ow! Hey! I cant control that! You're the dumbass who left me in the basement to rot, it is not my fault my body is weak!"

He turned back around and gave me a glare before walking back towards me.

He griped my neck tight. I gasped

"Watch your mouth with me y/n, remember who's boss."

I slapped his hands signaling for him to let go as I nodded showing him I understand.

He let go of me with a grunt as I gasped for air

"I could've done worse" he said before leaving the room.

My eyes started to get watery. I stayed in bed scared to get up, worried I'd pass out again.
I sat up knees to my chest and turned on the tv.

After a while Sangwoo came in.
"Hey I made you some sushi" he said handing me a plate.

I took the plate slowly, staring up at him. 
I set it down in front of me on the bed as Sangwoo walked out
I stared at the food
I was hungry but I didn't want to eat anything he made.

I picked up the sushi and ate it anyway.

I ate it very quickly and then set it on top of the drawer beside me not wanting to get up.
I heard Sangwoos footsteps walk around. The house was pretty silent, only thing you could hear was the fan running in the kitchen.
I stared at the door waiting for Sangwoo to walk in. He didn't for a while. He walked by a few
times.. "Sangwoo?"

"What" He stood in the door way leaning on it.

"Uh- I.."

"What? You need me? You're bored? What."

"Uh-Im thirsty"

He sucked his teeth walking away.

I looked around the room as I waited for him to come back. The room was plain not much to see just a bed and drawers- a tv sitting in front of the bed.

Sangwoo brought me water and sat beside me on the bed.

He picked up my hands and set the glass gently in my hands.

"Can you hold this?"

I watched him as he focused on my hands and the water. He was so gentle.. how?

I drank the water and handed him the cup.

"Th-thank you"

"Yea whatever." He went to put the cup back in the kitchen.

Then he came back to me.

"What else?" He said annoyed

"Nothing" I said in a low voice.

"Good." He walked away and I just sat there.

What now? I didn't wanna bother him again.
I just went back to watching tv.
I watched some cartoons for a while until Sangwoo came back in.

I watched him walk over to his drawer untying the apron an setting it down. He ran his fingers through his hair and the turned around coming towards me. I just watched him silently.

He got on the bed laying his head in my lap watching the tv.

He rubbed my thigh slipping his hand through my pants and underwear a little.

I just- looked down at him, what was I supposed to do in this situation?
He sqeezed my thigh a little and then turned his head to look up at me. I looked away so quick, but Sangwoo grabbed my face and made me look at him, he brought my face down as he lifted his a little and kissed me.
What the fuck.
I pulled away.
He went back to watching tv. I was caught so off guard by that kiss.

"Y/n" he said

"Hm?" I said shakily

"Can I trust you?"


"I miss having Yoonbum around..."

"O-oh, well- we all miss someone in our lives..but I don't think it means you should.. kidnap someone to replace them."

Sangwoo picked his head up so fast and pushed me down on the bed choking me

"You are not a replacement, no one can replace Yoonbum, And I didn't tell you that so you can criticize me on what my life choices are"

"Ok ok" I said pulling on his hands.

He let go of me slowly as he was breathing heavily.

I rubbed my neck in pain, second time today.
Sangwoo stomped out of the room.

I stayed laying down and turned on my side fallling asleep.

Yoonbums Replacement - Sangwoo X Reader Where stories live. Discover now