T E N : The Truth..?

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As me and Ace exited to go out on the stage as his theme song played he walked out with me by his side as he kissed my lips so everyone could see I was his. We made it to the ring as he got in and pulled a Ace playing card out of his sleeve as he kissed it and threw it in the crowd.

After the match (still can't do fight scenes) :/ (backstage)

Ace won but Alex Shelley did do a number on him as I helped him on his way to his locker room. As Trey came out of nowhere and stopped both of us "Y/n what did I tell you he's bad news now come on" Trey said pulling me away from Ace. "What no I have to help him he's hurt right now" I told my brother "You help him to his locker room but after that you're coming home with me" Trey told me upset. I've seen Trey upset but never like this and especially towards me. As I walked passed him continuing to help Ace to his locker room as we made it there I opened the door and sat him down on a chair making sure he was alright as I kissed him cheek going to leave to see what Trey wanted as Ace mumbled "Sorry" thinking I didn't hear him. As I turned to him and said "Sorry for what?" As he looked at me "nothing" he said quickly like he was ashamed to say it "Okay I have to go Trey seems really upset at me I don't think I'll be back so bye for now" I told Ace as I gave him one last kiss before heading to Trey.

Ace POV:
As me and Y/n bumped into Trey I knew the worst would come as he got upset with her being with me. The facted that she still doesn't know what I did to her brother yet bothers me but I have a feeling Trey will tell her tonight as she countinued to help me to my locker room. she sat me in a chair planning on heading out as mumbled "Sorry" thinking she didn't hear me but I was wrong as she turned around confused as she asked me sorry for what? Of course I said nothing because I was ashamed to admit I trashed her brother. As she took my nothing as a vaild answer as she told me she was going to see Trey she kissed me before heading out.

Word count 432

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