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After getting hot chocolate and another one for Diane, Chlo and I went back home, singing along to the radio and talking about life.

"Remember when you married Mom?" Chloe smiled and looked out of the window at the trees rushing by.

"Of course," I laughed a little. "Why? Do you?"

"Not really, I remember you looked really really pretty though."

I smiled at the memory of me holding a four year old Chloe in my arms at the wedding and twirling around with her.

"I hope I look as pretty as you when I get married, Momma."

Just as she said it, I parked the car up in the driveway.

"You, my little sunshine, are already far prettier than I was when I got married," I said gently and leant over the middle console to kiss her nose. "I'm sure you'll look stunning."

"Please will you do my makeup and my hair when I get married?" She smiled at me.

"You wouldn't want me doing it, I'd be too scared to mess it up," I laughed and she shook her head, holding out her pinky. "Oh? What're we pinky promising?"

"Pinky swear that you'll come to my wedding and make me look pretty like you did."

And I wrapped my pinky around her own.

"Now, let's go take your Mum her hot chocolate before it gets cold," I giggled and she nodded.

"Baby girl, we're home!" I called out, as I walked into the house behind Chloe, holding Diane's drink.

"Where did you go?" She frowned and I realised how late it was getting.

"Costa!" Chloe grinned.

"Oh did you now?" Diane laughed and kissed Chloe's head softly.

"We brought you this back though." I smiled and handed her the drink, before pulling her in for a kiss and hugging her tight. "How was work?"

"Hell," she mumbled into my shoulder and I rubbed her back gently. We stood like that for a minute or so, and Chloe gave us a moment alone. "I missed you," my wife sighed into my neck and I picked her up, making her wrap her legs around my torso.

Still holding Diane, I laid down on the sofa and teased little knots out of her hair with my left hand, whilst my right found its place in hers.

"I love you," I whispered and kissed her crown softly, making her nod a little. Her non-verbal response told me she was on the verge of crying, but I didn't ask why. I knew she'd tell me when she was ready.

After a little while of laying there, Diane looked up at me, with tears in her eyes.

"Hey, it's all okay. Whatever it is, it'll all be okay," I said quietly and my wife sobbed, hugging me again. "Can I do anything to help? Is there anything I can do to make you feel better? We can sort it together, my darling."

"Can you just stay here?" She sniffled and looked up at me through her tear-soaked lashes.

"You're kind of holding me hostage, love. I'm not going anywhere," I giggled and Diane frowned a little. "Hey, I'm joking. I'm staying with you because I want to."

She just nodded and went back to laying her head on my chest and occasionally sitting up to sip her hot chocolate, which was most definitely cold by then.

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