The art of giving

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It starts off, weirdly enough, with street food. They aren't dating yet but they're closer than a boss with her employee should be. They're stuck in traffic when Roseanne spots a street vendor across the street. The old lady is selling korean street food, smoke rising from her grill and people gathered round her wares. It's clear to Jennie that Roseanne wants to eat, so she tells to her driver to find parking at all costs.

They huddle close with their bamboo sticks, mock sword fighting over the last korean street food , and cooing over burn marks. When they're done, Roseanne brings out her wallet but Jennie refuses to let her pay. She brings out a crisp 50000 korean won, hands it over to the vendor, and tells her to keep the change. Roseanne's mouth drops in shock.

"Roseanne?"Jennie laughs. She reaches over and closes Roseanne's mouth with a manicured finger under her chin, "Close your mouth, dear. We don't want flies to go in."

"Ma'am!? You paid too much!"Roseanne immediately protests. The food they ate barely amounted to 3,541 korean won.

"It's okay. I'm not just paying for the food."Jennie informs her, taking her arm as they walk back to the car.Jennie hums, they should do this again.

"huh?What did you pay then?" Roseanne asks, confused and lost.

"Why, your happiness of course." Jennie sends her a golden smile. Roseanne feels warmth bloom across her entire body, and weirdly, a blush flares across her cheeks.Jennie just patted her on the arm.

The next time it happens, it still doesn't really sink in. They're in one of the higher end malls, inside a shoe store because Jennie needed to buy some new heels for an event. She had invited Roseanne along because "I need someone's opinion,Roseanne.Calvin barely understands women's fashion!" So Roseanne goes, even if she doesn't know a lot about women's fashion either.

While Jennie's trying on some deadly looking, red-soled heels,Roseanne decides to wander around the boutique. She spots a pair of sneakers that are just perfect. It's lightweight, comfortable, and would be perfect for work. Unfortunately, one glance at the price tag and she knows she has to put the shoe back on the shelf. Seriously, why does the shoe cost 2 whole months of salaries? She's just about to return it when,

"Excuse me, can I help you?" A snooty voice asked. It's one of the salespeople in the boutique. She's wearing a pressed grey suit with professional looking makeup. She also happens to be looking Roseanne up and down, as if wondering how Roseanne even got into the store.

Roseanne feels the bloom of embarrassment in her chest. She's still in her wearing her EMT's uniform because Jennie told her it'll be okay not to change. She's proud of herself, and all she has. She would never be ashamed of who she is, but she's worried she may end up causing a scene and that will reflect badly on Jennie.

"Uhm. No,im going to return it already." She reaches out with the shoe intent on putting it back in its place, but the saleslady snatches it from her hands.

"Give that to me. You may have caused damage to it." Roseanne rolls her eyes. Cause damage? Was this woman serious? "I suggest you leave the premises." The woman continues, "Your likes..they aren't welcome here."

Roseanne opens her mouth to rebut but cold, acidic words stop her.

"And who are you to talk to my friend like that?" Jennie is geared up and ready for a fight. The two salespeople helping her out a while ago now cower behind her. The Kim heiress' eyes hurl fire at the sales lady, mouth curling downward. Roseanne is reminded of a dragon.

Roseanne tries to intervene, "It's okay, Jennie.We just had misunderstanding."

But Jennie won't have it. "No. I saw the way she looked at you,Rosie. I heard what she said, what she implied." She turns the bulk of her anger at the sales lady who had paled upon realizing that she was facing THE Attorney Jennie Kim "Do you know what you just did could be counted as discrimination?"

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