Efforts (Kise x reader)

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You sighed as you stared at your phone. Delivered. He hadn't read your messages. You know he is busy , but still , you missed him. You hadn't talked or met him for the past five days. Kise Ryota. A model with a hella big fandom , a famous basketball player from the generation of miracles , your boyfriend. You slide your phone back to your pocket , focusing your concentration back to the whiteboard in front of you. Suddenly you felt a vibration from your pocket. You took your phone out and there was a message from him.

"Can we talk ?"


"(Name)-cchi , can we talk ?" Kise said , nervously scratching the back of his head.

"Of course , Kise-kun. What is it ?" You smiled lightly , making the blonde boy blushed.

"W-well... the thing is (name)-cchi .. i.. i like you a lot. Would you go out with me ?" He smiled sheepishly. You froze on your seat. Sure , there was noone else there. But still , you can't help yourself to not blushed.

"W-well... t-this is really sudden..." you answered. Kise's smile faded , replaced by a slight frown.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way , (name)-cchi . I understand." Kise said with a sad smile. He turned back , about to leave the empty classroom. But before he could take any step you grabbed his sleeve.

"N-No ! Kise-kun , you don't understand." You shook your head. Kise raised an eyebrow , completely confused of what you said.

"Meaning , (name)-cchi ?" He tilted his head to one side.

"I like you too , Kise-kun . But it's just so sudden , i can't believe that it's not a dream." You mumbled. Loud enough for kise to hear. Soon his confused face replaced by a wide grin across his beautiful features.

"You felt the same way !! I can't believe it !" He threw himself to you , squeezing every air out of your body.

"K-kise-kun ! Let me go !" You pushed kise's chest lightly. You averted your eyes to your shoes , blushing furiously.

"But you're wrong , (name)-cchi. This is not a dream. I'll give you a prove." Kise cupped your cheeks with his palms. Slowly , he brought his face closer to you. You can smell his sweet scent before something warm touched your lips. It was sweet and warm. Short and light. Your first kiss tasted like warm caramel. Both of you pulled out from the kiss , blushed. He touched his forehead on yours. His breath smelled like spearmint.

"I promise to do my best , (name)-cchi. Thank you for having me." He smiled lightly. A pink dust still lingering on his cheeks.

"No , Kise-kun. Thank you for having me." You smiled.


"I don't think this is working out , (name)-cchi." Kise lowered his eyes , afraid to meet your (eye color) orbs.

You clenched your fists , trying to remember what you did wrong. You saw Kise hung his head low , you wanted to wrap your arms around him and tell him everything is alright. But you took back your hand , keeping them on both sides of your body.

"Why ?" The only word you could think of.

"... i just... i don't want you to waste your time on someone like me." Kise said , his eyes met yours. You could see them full of pain and sadness.

"What do you mean ?" You whispered. Your voice was cracked , as a tear came out from your left eye. Kise only stand there. He didn't hug you like he always do . He didn't wipe your tears like he always do. Instead , he stand there , eyes full of pain , biting his lower lip.

"Lately i haven't enough spend much time with you..." He started , "we haven't see each other in a while. I just.." he paused , before continue. "I loved you some much ,(name)."

Loved. A past tense. You wiped your tears. You knew this day will come , the day when he will bid you a farewell. A day when your shadow won't walk alongside of his. A day when everything you've gone through will put to an end. But why today ? You thought . You touched the small box inside your pocket , lightly squeezed it like it was feather. Your thoughts turned back to a couple of months ago.

Why now ?


"(Name)-cchi..." Kise cooed to your ears as he nibbled them a little. You moaned lightly , shuddering from the coldness of his touch.

"K-Kise...." You intertwined your fingers with his. Oh , how you love that your hands fits perfectly in his. Kise slide his fingers on your face. He slipped a strand of hair and tucked it behind your ear. He lightly kissed your forehead and smiled at you.

"You're beautiful." He said. You smiled a little. "Does it still hurts ?" He said with a concerned look on his face. You shook your head , a smile appeared on your face. He huffed and kiss you on your lips.

"I love you ,(name)-cchi."

"I love you too."


You wiped your tears again , not wanting Kise to feel guilty. You approached him with a sad smile on your face. You cupped his face and brought it up , making his face facing yours. You lightly put your lips on his forehead , his cheeks and finally , a sweet and warm , short and light. Your last kiss tasted like warm caramel , mixed with tears. You wiped his tears and hug his head , feeling the warmth spread to your arms. I'm going to miss you. You smiled gently and pull off.

His golden orbs stared at you gently , as if asking for forgiveness. His sobbing stopped after the small , light hug you gave.

"I understand , Kise-kun." You smiled gently. "I don't want you to be the only one who sacrifice."


"Therefore , i will be the one who say this." You sadly grinned , trying to hold back your tears from falling. "Let's break up."

Kise stood there silently , before he nodded . He wiped his tears . You approached him and took his hand , handing him the small box you've been wanting to give since last morning.

"Happy anniversary , Kise-kun. Thank you for everything." You smiled gently. Before he could say anything , you turned your heels and walked away. You felt a tear slowly came out from you left eye.

Because i loved you
Therefore i let you go
Oh , if you only know
How many nights i spent crying about you.


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