33 x Rockefeller

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"Rise and shine, we got a lot to do today." Juan lightly tapped Cynatra, "Cynatra, wake up."

She groaned not wanting to move, "Just five more minutes."

"I can't let you do that. You gotta get up."

Cynatra didn't move, and Juan didn't have time to play with her. They had a strict schedule to uphold. He climbed back in bed and held her.

"You gotta get up if you want your real winter Christmas."

She still didn't move. He knew the only way to get her up was to cross a boundary, as usual Cynatra was nothing but difficult.

"Amor." He whispered into her ear, "C'mon baby, you're gonna miss the breakfast I had planned. I know you wanted that French toast." He kissed her cheek, then her neck.

Juan understood that she was tired and that sleeping in a different place away from it all brought her peace. He himself was excited about their activities for the day and wanted to get started too.

He placed his hand on her hip, squeezing it. She moaned a bit which let him know, she was awake enough.

Whispering in her ear again, he chuckles "Get your ass up before I make an example out of you on that balcony."

Cynatra's eyes shot open, adjusting them to look at Juan. "Yeah, I bet that woke you up." He smirked.

She squinted at him, annoyed and now aroused. "Move." She pushed him off of her to go into the bathroom.

"You got thirty minutes."

Cynatra realized they had less than 24 hours, so she cut through her routine to take advantage of time.

She recently bought MSFT tech suit in support of Mariah and that was going to be her warm and cuddly fit for the morning.

"You got that from Mo?"
"Technically, I bought it from her site."

"No sponsorship?"
"No, why would I get one?"

Cynatra didn't understand that she had influence, being a young black business owner with a growing following, people were looking to her for anything.

"You don't realize you influence people? Like not just in Oakland but, people in other places."

She shrugged, truly not grasping it. "Never really thought about it."

"For someone who took business as a lifestyle, you really are out of tune."

"Cause media is a whole ball game, I really never cared for. Of course, I'm learning more. But sheesh, it's really like that?"

"I don't even get on like that but I see the difference before the league and after. People paying more attention."

Cynatra would focus on the social media lesson later. In the meantime, she was excited about the meal that awaited them. The privately catered breakfast was probably one of the best meals she had from someone else. It wasn't bland, or over seasoned like a lot of "chefs" do.

"I'm glad y'all enjoyed breakfast! Enjoy your time in New York." The young man smiled as he took his supplies on the elevator.

"You ready for what's next?"
"And what's next?"


Cynatra had planned on getting some last minute gifts for their friends, Juan planned on dropping a bag on whatever she wanted.

"Do you think Mario would like this cologne?" She asked placing the sample paper in front of Juan.

"Smells good, he'd like it. He's low maintenance anyways."

Kindred Spirits | Juan Toscano-AndersonWhere stories live. Discover now