New Little Brother

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Pov. Gentar

Hi, I am Gentar, iam the youngest among my older brothers.
But today it's changed... I wasn't the youngest anymore... Not when my dad brought him to this family.

"wah.., morning" I woke up from my sleep and go down to the kitchen to see that my big brothers already eating breakfast.

End pov.

Frostfire: "Morning little bro"
Gentar: "wow I can't believe abang Glacier woke up early today" *smirk*
Glacier: "haha... Gentar, at least I am not the last one to wake up anymore =-="
Mother: "ok ok that's enough, Gentar here is your breakfast"
Gentar: "wow thanks Mom >:D"

When everyone enjoys their breakfast, suddenly Amato comes with a happy face.

Amato: "honey, they agree to let us take him!!"
Mother: "Really?!, that's great he will be so happy"
Supra: "what is it, mom? taking who?" *confuse*
Mother: "oh yeah I forget to tell you guys about this"
Sori: "tell us what mom?"
Mother: "well you know how your father is a police officer, he rescued a lot of kids from illegal orphaned and.."
Amato: "and I take them to a better orphan, everyone got adopted but... There is one kid who hasn't had a family."
Mother: "and we think that what if we adopt him"
Gentar: *spills his drink* "WHAT?!"
Sori: "ohh is it a girl or a boy"
Amato: "a boy"
Sori: "wow we have a new brother" *excited*
Glacier: "mhm when you guys bring him home?"
Amato: "today after breakfast"
Frostfire: "well I can't wait to meet him >:D"
Supra: "mhm.." 'here we go again =-='

At the orphaned

Miss.??: "here is your paper"
Mother: "thank you miss, can we see him?"
Miss.??: "of course, follow me"

In the kid's room

Miss.??: "there he is"

She points at a boy who was writing something in his book.

Mother: "hello dear" *smile softly*
??: "mhm?!, oh my apologies Mamma I want expected any visitor" *bowing*
Mother: "eh-! no need to bow my dear and you can call me 'mom', I am adopting you"
??: " apologies for asking but what is 'adopting'?"
Mother: "well I will take care of you like my own son"

She looks at the boy that looks confused and dont understands what she meant.

Mother pov.: "look at him... What have doses people done to you, dear..." *holding tear*

At home

Sori: "THEY HERE!!"
Supra: "hey slow down you're going to fall!!"
Glacier: "hope he like his new room"
Frostfire: "yeah, lucky that we have extra room for him"

Mother: "we're home"
Sori&Frostfire: "mama!!"
Supra&Glacier: "welcome home"
Amato: "guys meet your new brother"

Amato then showed the new boy to them.

Sori: "aww you're so cute"
?? Pov: 'what is cute..?'
Glacier: "what's your name little guy"
??: "ah let me introduce myself to you all, my name is Sopan I am 6 years old"
Frostfire: "nice to meet you I am frostfire this is Sori, Supra, Glacier, and right there is Gentar"
Sopan: "please to meet you all"
Gentar: "why do you talk like a robot"
Supra: "Gentar"
Gentar: "what I was asking"
Supra: "anyway, let me introduce you to your new room"
Sopan: "ah you made my cell?"
Glacier: "cell?.. What do you mean by cell?
Sopan: "Mst. ?? Tell everyone to go to their cell at 05:00 PM to sleep"
Everyone: "..."
Sori: "eh well we call it a room, not a cell here follow me"
Sopan: "of course sir"

Sopan follows Sori to his room

Supra: "mom can I ask you something "
Mother: "Sure dear"

With Sori&Sopan

Sori: "tada here is your room"
Sopan: "...this is my room?
Sori: "yup we decor it with blue and yellow because mom show us your picture and we see that blue and yellow are your favorite color, hope you like it"

Sopan nodded, then someone also entered the room.

Glacier: "do you like it, we did our best to make it comfortable for you"
Sopan: "yes sir this is a wonderful place"
Glacier: "hehe dont call me sir call me Glacier I am your brother after all"
Sopan: "my apologies Abang Glacier" *bow*
Sori&Glacier pov: *sweat drop* "he's so polite and extra"
Frostfire: "mhm, guys get ready, it's almost dinner" *Enters the room*
Sori&Glacier: "ok"
Sopan: "yes Abang Frostfire"

At dinner

Gentar: "wow so many foods"
Mother: "hehe we need to celebrate and welcome our new family member"

Gentar pov.

Well that how Sopan get into my life, and to be honest here he a little wired..
He talks like a robot and acts like a robot.
But the other seems to like him.
I dont understand what is special about him.
He is only a 6 year old kid that acts like an adult. I am a little bit suspicious of him...

"I Don't see him as a brother.."

End pov

To be continued...

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